Two Regrets (Bdoc)

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Word Count: ~1.5k

Hurt/Comfort anyone?

There were two things that Doc regretted about last season. One of them was that he spent too much time with distractions like pulling stupid pranks on Bdubs to finish any serious work.

But this time, things would be different.

From the moment the season started Doc eagerly jumped into his work. He only got sidetracked a little with the Goatem Pole, but besides that, he was already feeling extremely productive.


Bdubs drummed his fingers on the windowsill in the room on the top floor. He just watched Doc, his boyfriend, come to the area to only speak with Keralis. The hybrid never even glanced in the direction of his build.

He glanced at his communicator and sure enough, all of his messages to Doc had gone unread.

"Okay," he sighed, pushing himself off the window. He headed downstairs and out of his house. I would've waited for him to say something, but if he's going to continue to ghost me, I might as well ask if he wants to break up, he bitterly thought as he climbed into a boat and headed for the direction of Doc and Ren's.


He found Doc standing over the 'Cursed Chunk' he spawned, only now there was a tower in it, most likely a mob farm. Cautiously, Bdubs approached him, unsure how to announce himself.

"I uh, saw you came by the area earlier," he slowly said. "You could've stopped by and said hi."

Doc looked over his shoulder at him and gave a small smile. "Oh, hey Bdubs. Sorry, I'm too busy and on a tight schedule."

"Yeah, I've noticed, " he flatly responded, crossing his arms. "Too busy to talk to me, too busy to even read my messages."

His boyfriend just hummed in acknowledgment as he looked around the chunk.

Sighing, Bdubs just looked up at the sky. "Do you remember the last time we went on a date?"

"Um, that was right after the Turf War ended, right?"

"Yeah," he bitterly mumbled. "We had a bet, remember? Whoever lost had to pay? You do realize how long it's been since then, right?"

Doc crouched, seemingly searching through his inventory. "Well, I did get pulled out of existence by the Goat Mother after that," he pointed out.

Crouching so that his chin could touch his knees, Bdubs hugged his legs. "So then I was kinda hoping you'd be a little more excited to, y'know, be able to talk to me again," he mumbled, gripping his pants.

"I'm sorry, Bee, but I'm really busy. I can't afford to get distracted again. That's why I did so poorly last season, too many distractions."

"Being neighbors with me was a distraction?" He quietly asked, praying for a no.

"Well, when we started pranking each other yeah that was too much of a distraction from what I had to get done," he explained.

Anger exploded in his chest as he picked up a random rock off the ground and threw it at him, hitting the back of his neck. "What was that for?!" Doc shouted, turning around.

"We wouldn't have started dating if it wasn't for the stupid pranks!" He snapped, standing up. "You know how much I cried when you left? Even though they never sent through I still messaged you every day, in hopes that maybe one day, you'd come back, that you'd respond! And now that I finally have you back, you don't even want anything to do with me anymore!" Tears streaked his cheeks as he gritted his teeth and just glared at Doc.

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