Party People (Bdubs + Doc)

817 32 20

Au: College AU

Word Count: ~2.1k

This is a draft from months ago that I finally finished. If I flesh the story out more I may end up moving it to my future Short Stories book. 

Doc crossed his arms as Ren knocked on the door. The last thing he wanted to spend his Friday night doing was going to some frat party.

"Seriously, Doc. These are cool people! You'll have fun!" Ren insisted. Doc just rolled his eyes before the door opened.

"Ay, welcome!" Tango greeted. "C'mon in! Our lovely host is around here somewhere."


The plan was to stick with Ren. Follow his friend around until he gets drunk or something and then drive him back to the dorms. But the moment a girl from a few of their classes poked her head around the corner, it was like Doc wasn't even there.

"Hey, Stress!" Ren grinned, pushing himself off the wall.

"I was looking for you! I'm teaching Joe, Impulse, and Scar how to make flower crowns if you want to join!" She offered.

The hybrid suppressed a scoff as he watched his friend blush. "I'd love to!" He agreed, following her down the hall.

Doc considered following, but ultimately decided he wasn't a flower crown kind of guy. He just hung out leaning against the hallway wall and pretended to be busy on his phone. Who knew if you got bored enough, the random news articles could provide some form of entertainment?


Besides the fact he was ignored and ditched by his friend, thoughts were drowning in the loud, obnoxious music and he was growing hungry, it wasn't that bad. It was nice being by himself. Not great, but nice.

It was nice, at least, until someone finally acknowledged his presence.

"Woah, Doc? I thought you weren't a party person!" A familiar short brunette had appeared and was - for some reason - giving a bright smile.

"I'm not," he stated, standing up straight. For the life of him, he couldn't put a name to this guy's face. But asking would make things far too awkward.

"Wait, let me guess- Ren dragged you here, right? He said he was going to," the male recalled. "Are ya havin' fun?"

"I wouldn't say fun," he began. A part of him wanted to just word vomit his complaints, but he hardly knew the dude. However, his face sent a message encouraging him to continue. "It's just, I hate big crowds, and not only is the music annoying but I'd rather not literally feel it in my chest. Plus I don't know if you've had the food but it looks like cheap shit."

He just continued to go on and on, unable to stop himself. And yet no matter how much he complained, the freckled brunette seemed willing to listen. He never said anything, just watched him intently and nodded occasionally. Doc had to admit- it was much nicer than just standing there by himself.

"Okay, I'll stop now," he laughed, realizing he was talking for far too long. "What about you? Got anything to complain about?"

The sweet smile on his face became a sly grin. "Not much, honestly. Just that there's this one guy who has done nothing but talk shit about a party I'm throwing when he didn't even have to come in the first place or stay! He was welcome to leave whenever."

His stomach dropped and his eyes widened at the realization. If only he had an invisibility potion on him.

"I- what?" he let out a breathy laugh of disbelief.

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