Stay Alive (Gridubs)

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Word Count: ~ 1.4k

Au: Permadeath

Poor Bdubs is a victim of my angst, time, and time again. (TW for mentions of blood and mild gore)

Xisuma stared at the portal in the shopping district. He paced back and forth but kept his eyes glued to the swirling purple. He wanted to jump through so badly. But the admin knew what was waiting on the other side, and the last thing the hermits needed was their admin dead due to a rigged portal.

"Why did we think a hardcore world was a good idea?" he muttered to himself.

He was so lost in thought, it wasn't until Keralis squeezed his hands that he realized he was even there.

"I know you're worried, we all are. But the only thing we can do is wait. So please, come back into the town hall," the wide-eyed hermit pleaded.

Sighing, X begrudgingly turned around and allowed his friend to lead him up the steps and into the town hall where the rest of the hermits were anxiously awaiting their friend's return. Mayor Scar was sitting in front of his throne and was doing his best to raise everyone's spirit. Xisuma sat by the entrance, still feeling extremely anxious.

While Keralis headed over to where xB was sitting, Scar noticed Xisuma's anxiety and brought over Jellie. "Petting her always made me feel better," he softly explained before heading back to the throne.

The sentiment from his friend and the purring cat in his lap made him smile. And Scar was right, petting the grey cat did make him feel better about the current situation.

Although it didn't last long, as a couple of minutes later, everyone sat up and ran out of the building at the sound of someone exiting a portal.


Bdubs' arm was slung over Grian's shoulder, who was muttering words of reassurance to the shorter male. Both were covered in bruises, cuts, and blood, but Bdubs seemed to have taken a harder hit. With his free hand, he was clutching his stomach. Dark red blood stained the front of his shirt and was seeping out from in between his fingers. The blonde hermit was limping, Bdub's red bandana tied around his thigh. Shuddering, the freckled hermit collapsed onto Grian. The two dropped to their knees and the short blonde clutched the builder and kissed his forehead.

"Grian what happened?" Xisuma quietly asked, kneeling. Keralis was clutching xB's arm, unable to speak at the sight of his severely wounded friends.

"Your brother," he spat, not taking his eyes off the freckled hermit. "We thought we were safe, but then he stabbed Bdubs, claiming it was a warning for you,"

"Bubbles?" the wide-eyed brunette whispered, his voice cracking as he held back a sob. Blinking, the wounded hermit turned his head and gave his best friend a weary smile.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine," he reassured him with a hoarse voice. Wincing, he gripped his wound, burying his face into the blonde builder's red sweater.

"Someone get me a healing potion, now," Grian demanded with a shaky voice. Keralis jumped up and ran to the other hermits, who were all frantically scanning their inventories and assortment of shulker boxes.

"Found one!" Tango exclaimed, weaving around some other hermits to hand it over.

Taking it from Keralis, Grian opened the bottle, holding it in front of a dying Bdubs.

"I need you to drink this," he said softly.

Bdubs looked up at him and frowned.

"But you're hurt too," he protested.

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