Last I Saw You (Bdoc)

2.1K 56 84

Au: Real/Modern World (still minesonas)

Word Count: ~3.2k

TW: Mild swearing, mentions of harassment and bullying

Also, sorry not sorry for all of this Bdoc

And I may or may not have become addicted to hurting poor Bdubs

"Are you excited?" Hyper energy radiated from Keralis as he danced around Bdubs' dorm room.

"Of course I am, they're our friends, after all!" the freckled student laughed. It was times like this that Bdubs was glad he got a single room in his college dorm. If he had to share the space with someone, who knows how annoyed they'd be with his friend practically bouncing off the walls.

"And in college, we'll probably get an apartment together or something!"

"I guess I wouldn't mind being roommates with you, DoubleO," 

Bdubs laughed as his friend nudged him, and proceeded to beat him in yet another virtual race.

Bdubs' face fell as a small memory and a face popped up in the back of his mind. His friend could clearly tell something was wrong as he immediately calmed down and took the freckled brunette's hand.

"You ready, Bubbles?" Keralis gently asked. Snapping out of it, the shorter brunette plastered a smile on his face.

"Yeah, let's not keep Etho and Beef waiting."

"So how's the record store?" the short college student asked, playing with his straw. He and Keralis met up with their high school buddies at a small cafe, and were catching up after being out of touch for nearly a year and a half.

"It's pretty great!" Beef grinned from across the table. "And if you're ever in need of a job, I could always use the extra help," he said, half-jokingly.

As the four friends spent the afternoon chatting, the same face kept creeping up on Bdubs. Glancing out the window, he took a deep breath. He was surrounded by his best friends, so he knew he should try to be positive. Keralis would just tell me to not even think about him anyway, not give him the time of day. He reminded himself.

The rest of the meetup flew by and suddenly it was time to say good-bye.

"Let's not wait another year and a half to hang out again, okay?" Etho suggested as they all stood outside the restaurant. After saying their farewells, and promising to keep in touch, the four went their separate ways. Beef and Keralis needed to head to their jobs, and Etho had to help his boyfriend xB move into a new apartment, so that left Bdubs alone.

Seeing as he had some tests coming up, he saw it most fitting to stop by his dorm, grab his things, and head to the library. Maybe I should take the subway. He thought to himself as he walked down the busy streets. I know it's just one stop, but it would probably be faster than walking. He paused thoughtfully. Then again, I'm not in any rush, and getting the extra miles in never hurt.

Lost in his own thoughts, Bdubs didn't see the man walking towards him, and the two collided.

"Sorry I didn't see you there," Bdubs laughed, rubbing his hand. Looking up at the poor stranger, his heart dropped as horror washed over his face. He locked eyes with the hybrid across from him, freezing in terror while strangers passed by around them.

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