Why Do You Hate Me? (Bdoc)

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Thank you @IngerCGrantham and @WhoopsIJustDied for giving me this idea! 

Doc just doesn't understand what he did wrong. It's not like he's ever talked to Bdubs before. He wants to, that's for sure, but every time they lock eyes, Bdubs looks away, and if they ever come close to brushing shoulders in the halls, he jumps out of the way. He thought maybe it'd be easier to approach him when he's with a friend. So he'd go up to Bdubs and Keralis in the hall, but then the shorter male would quickly leave.

"Maybe he likes you and he's just shy," Etho teased during lunch one day. The hybrid looked around the lunchroom and spotted a small Bdubs. As usual, he was just staring at his food with this frightened look in his eyes.

"I don't think it's like that." He shook his head.

"Well, what did you say to him?"

"See that's just it! I've never said anything. Ever!"

The tall brunette watch Keralis and Bdubs walk out of the class at the final bell. Taking a deep breath, he got up. I need to talk with him.

He caught up with them outside and smiled as he saw the freckled boy laugh. I wish I could see his smile more often. Clearing his through, he tapped Bdubs' shoulder.

Oh, what a terrible mistake that turned out to be.

"Hey, Bdubs? Can we talk?"

When the brunette turned around, his smile was quick to disappear. His eyes widened and he recoiled from Doc's touch. The hybrid immediately pulled his hand back, feeling guilty and confused.

"I-I'm sorry, I-" he stammered, unsure what to say.

Bdubs glanced frantically from Keralis to Doc and just bolted.

"Bubbles, wait!" the other boy protested, calling after him.

"Did I do something wrong?" the tall male quietly asked, staring at his feet. The boy in the blue shirt sighed.

"It's not really my place to say," he said slowly and started after Bdubs. Pausing, he looked over his shoulder. "Just know it's not your fault," he added with a sad smile.

Still feeling fairly confused, Doc watched as the brunette ran after his friend. If it's not my fault, then why is he so scared of me?

"Stupid, stupid, stupid," Bdubs muttered to himself as he leaned his back against a wall to catch his breath.

"Hey!" a familiar voice called out. He looked up and saw Keralis sprinting towards him. "You can't just run off like that!" he scolded.

"Sorry," he mumbled.

"I thought you said you wanted to talk to Doc?"

"I-I did!" the freckled male protested. "It's just," memories flashed in his mind, and he began to sweat. "Last night was the worst it's ever been," he whispered.

"Oh Bubbles..." Keralis pulled him into a hug and stroked the back of his head. "You still haven't told your parents?"

The shorter male sighed, clinging to his friend. "They don't believe me," he mumbled.

Pulling apart, the wide-eyed male smiled. "Well, they should, and they're idiots for not. Now let's get you home,"

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