The Subway Ride (Grumbo)

2.3K 82 124

Au: Modern/Real World (still minesonas)

Word Count: 1.5k

Grian was very excited to go shopping ever since his friend Bdubs introduced him to the wonderful world of cute dresses and comfy skirts. The one downside was that he'd have to go alone. Bdubs wanted to go with him, but he and his boyfriend Doc had tickets for a show, and today was the only good day for Grian. But it didn't bother him too much and he headed down to the subway station. Like any other person, while waiting for the train to arrive, he leaned up against the wall and opened his dating app, Spectrum.

'Love is more than pink or blue. It's a Spectrum™' the little title card pop up before fading away to showcase the latest cute guys who Grian may like. At first, none of them really seemed to catch his eye. He then saw a rather dashing man with a very cute mustache. In his picture, he seemed to be wearing a suit, and judging by his tired smile, he was struggling with some contraption. The blondie took a second to skim through his bio, and contemplated saying no, but shrugged and thought, Why not?

A rainbow appeared on his screen, announcing that it was a match, and took him straight to messaging.

Grian: Nice mustache :)

Mumbo: Thanks, made it myself

Mumbo: So you're an architect? That's cool! Do you only design buildings or do you help build them as well?

Grian: A lot of projects I design I end up leading the construction on!

Mumbo: Nice!

A low rumbling in the distance signaled his train was fast approaching. Looking up from his phone, Grian leaned his head forward and looked to his right, trying to spot the train.

Ping! He got a new message from Mumbo.

Mumbo: Looks like our train is here :)

"Wha-" Grian looked to his left and was appalled to see one Mumbo Jumbo smiling at him.

"Hi!" the mustached man grinned. "I'm surprised you didn't notice me," he laughed. Without another thought, the architect reached his hand up and touched the black mustache. Mumbo stared at his hand, his cheeks turning a nice rosy red.

"It's softer than I thought!" Grian stated. Just then, the train came speeding in, only to pull to a stop. Compartment doors opened in front of them and they waited for people to pile out.

"After you," Mumbo gestured his hand towards the door, and the two walked in.

It was a little crowded, and after bickering for a moment, Grian convinced him to sit down while he stood in front of him, holding the pole.

"So where you off to?" Grian asked cheerfully.

"A friend of mine just opened a restaurant today, and I was going to drop by as a surprise," Mumbo explained, scratching his mustache.

"Isn't it a little early for lunch?" the blondie joked, leaning his head against the pole. The man simply shrugged.

"I guess, but why not, right? I got nothing else planned. What about you?" the train reached it's first stop, and the two of them waited as people left and poured in around them.

"I'm just doing some shopping, is all. I was originally gonna go with a friend, but something else came up with him," the shorter male explained as the train continued through the tunnels.

The two continued to chat as the subway train approached its next destination. The person sitting next to Mumbo left, so Grian plopped down in their place. The taller male's phone buzzed from his pocket. As the short blonde talked about how his friend's boyfriend didn't like him too much, he checked the notification. Reading the text from his friend, Mumbo's face quickly dropped.

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