#4 * The Escort

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"Where is Athena?" Zeus asked one of his servants, as he strode through the halls of the temple.

"She's in the library I believe sir." The young satyr at his side replied.

"Go get her. I need an escort. Also have my chariot prepared." The king of the gods commanded.

"Y-yes sir. Right away sir." The saytyr said with a shaking voice.

He left Zeus' side and half walked, half ran over to the library. Once he opened the door he found Athena putting a bunch of books back in place.

The little satyr assumed she'd done some research again. For a moment he got lost in the view. Her white robes sweeped after her as she walked across the room to grab another set of books.

Her long, dark, wavey hair was half up in a messy bun. The sent of vanilla hit his nose and he could imagine holding her close to him. Even though she is way taller than he was.

"Good afternoon Dimitri." Athena said without turning around.

The servant was pulled from his daydreams and shook his head.

"M-my lady." He replied with a quick bow.

"What can I do for you my friend?" She asked.

It was quite the difference with how Zeus treated him. He was always yelling and bossing him around. Athena however was always gentle. And she was so pretty too. Maybe just maybe she would notice him sometime.

"Urm... Lord Zeus requires an escort."

"Did he say where he was headed?" The wisdom goddess turned around with a raised eyebrow.

She looked at the young sayer in front of her. He looked just adorable. His horns were still growing and a bunch of curly hair sat on the top of his head.

"No, he did not. He simply asked me to come and get you."

He even sounded cute. Athena kept the chuckle that was rising up in the back of her troath for herself. She didn't need another satyr running after her.

"I'll go get ready right away."

The goddess put the books back where she found them and walked out the the library passing the young satyr.

After getting ready she met up with her father at the stables. He was looking as Nike was getting the venti ready for their flight.

"So we take the chariot today?" Athena asked.

Zeus turned and looked at her.

"Yes, I do believe the Norse gods might appreciate it more if we choose the more classic style." He answered.

"Oh. Well that answers my next question of where we are headed. Brooklyn it is."

The king of the gods smiled at his daughter. Naturally she had it all figured out.

Once the victory goddess was ready she cast a look at the king and his daughter. Sometimes it scared her how much they look alike.

She would know she sees both of them practically everyday, up close even. Nike grinned at the thought of Athena standing close to her. Just a few more moments and that dream would be a reality.

"If you are both ready, the horses are starting to get restless." She said as she felt them tug at the rains in her hands.

Both Athena and Zeus stepped into the chariot behind the angel and she drove off.

Since it wasn't too formal yet Athena leaned on the edge of the chariot looking at the view surrounding her. The wind played with her hair. She loved being up in the sky.

Nike had a hard time focusing on the road... Well sky... As she drove her eyes kept rolling to Athena, wanting to take in every detail of her.

'Not while I'm on the job.' She said to herself.

As Athena overlooks the world below her she occasionally feels Nike's eyes on her. Sometimes they even catch one another.

Slowly but steadily she inches closer to the angel and her dad. But she ignores that last part. She'll just have to deal with him later. When she's finally close enough the wisdom goddess wraps her arms around the angel from the back.

Good thing she's taller, otherwise the wings really would be annoying. As she kissed Nike's cheek she could see Zeus roll his eyes.

Zeus of course knew the two of them were a thing. It was quite obvious. The longing stares during council meetings as Nike stood guard at his throne. Always hanging out with one another. Always planning new ways to win.

The occasional shy kisses when they think no one is watching. The high amount of hugs and of course the inside jokes no one seems to get. And not to forget, the fact Nike's eyes can never focus on the sky in front of her when Athena escorts him somewhere.

The king of the gods let his eyes fall on Athena's hands which were wrapped around the victory goddess in a protective manner. As if she was holding a trophy. Beaming with pride, but afraid someone could take it away and say it's a mistake.

Nike herself felt very happy with the wisdom goddess' strong precense behind her. She loved it when she could ride Athena places in her chariot. Mainly because Athena always stood behind her the way she does now.

Just as she loved feeling her strong aura. It gave most people the feeling they could conquer anything. It often gave her an extra boost of confidence.

Suddenly the victory goddess felt something tickling in her neck. The daughter of Zeus had bowed her head so she reached the angel's neck. Athena's breath tickled as she breathed out. Not a moment later a small kiss was placed there by said goddess, making a shiver go down Nike's spine.

Athena couldn't help herself. Put her next to Nike, no matter how you twist or turn it she has to touch the angel somehow.

Now standing right behind her like this, it was dying to happen. She glanced at Nike's neck and revealed collarbone. It was like a magnet. The wisdom goddess fought the urge as long as she could. Until she cracked and just gave a mini, tiny kiss in the angel's neck.

Athena swore she could feel the shiver go down Nike's spine.

"Athena." Zeus said.

His voice was like thunder in a clear sky. Sudden and out of nowhere. The wisdom goddess jumped a little, not having expected to hear her name. She'd almost forgot he was there.

"Yes father?" She asked him.

"Remember what we talked about? No smooching wh-..."

"While she is working or driving. I know." Athena cut her father off with an eye roll and finished his sentence.

Zeus mumbled something unhearable. Athena ignored it and remained where she stood. Although she did turn her eyes away from that distracting collarbone.

After a few minutes Nike turned her eyes to Athena for a moment.

"You should get into your position. We will be there in a couple of minutes." The angel said.

The daughter of Zeus sighed. She didn't want to move. She didn't want to let go. Nike gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

Athena gave her angel a smirk and moved back to her original place next to her father, into her official stance. Her back straight, shoulders back and chin up.

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