#46 * Fallen Angel

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Based on 'maybe an angel ~ Heather Nova'

Athena's pov:

A huge explosion hit Nike's chariot. For a disturbingly long moment I didn't see anything but a cloud of smoke. The next a limp body passed in front of the full moon.

"NIKEEEEE!!!" I yelled out.

My voice was hoarse as I saw her fall. A huge splash told me she fell into the ocean. Now I'll have you know I detest the sea and everything having anything to do with. But for her I'd swim across one. All she'd have to do is ask.

I ran into the water, starting to swim towards her. She was quite far from shore, but I didn't care. I had to save her.

I felt the wind play with my hair as I overlooked the world below. My eyes rolled from the world below to the person standing next to me.

My Nike. My angel.

In the glow of the evening sun her naturally blonde locks seemed gold. The same could be said for her hazel colored eyes. And then there were those beautiful wings, folded onto her back.

I smiled to myself, knowing she would love it if she could see it. Her eyes were looking dead ahead at the anemoi in front of us, pulling the chariot. Her face wore a slight, focused scowl.

"See something you like?" Nike asked with a smirk, never taking her eyes of the anemoi.

"Always when I'm looking at you." I respond.

"You read too much." My angel laughed, shaking her head.

I raised a brow, but couldn't help a chuckle.

"What makes you say that?" I ask, curieus for the response.

"They make you way too cheesy." She said with a chuckle of her own.

"Shut up. You love it." I smirked.

"Maybe." Nike responded, raising her shoulders.

Her smirk betrayed her gesture. I can't help but snort.

"Idiot." I mutter.

Almost there. As fast as I can I swim towards Nike. She's sinking fast. Fates know I can't stand being underwater. Well I'll have to if I want to make sure she sees the sunrise.

I take in as much air into my lungs as I can and dive underneath the water. I swim towards the fallen angel, but my armor is limiting me. It's heavier then I expected it to become.

Somehow I did reach her. I put my arm around her and drag her up with me. Gods, this is harder than you might think. My lungs feel like they're about to burst. If only I could breath underwater now, but alas I'm no Poseidon.

Just a little closer and I can breath again.

I feel my hand break through the water and soon ly head follows. I gasp for air. Finally. I take a quick second to breath, but I don't have any more time. I have to get Nike out of here.

I start swimming back, but I'm tired. Way too tired to get to shore I realize. My stubborn a** will keep trying of course, but I know that the chances I'll make it are incredibly small.

I'm out of breath and I can barely keep both me and Nike above water.

'I suggest you take a deep breath.' A floaty voice says out of nowhere.

I couldn't decide if that was me or I was starting to hallucinate. My brain started making overtime and started questioning how it was all possible and wrether or not I should listen to the strange voice.

'If you and the angel want to get out of this with as little pain as possible, I suggest you do as I say.' The voice urged me on.

Somehow the voice felt familiar. As if I should know who it belonged to. But I didn't. But I guess when granted the choice, I'd better listen if I didn't want to know what drowning feels like.

I took a deep breath as the voice said. The next moment both Nike and I were swallowed by a huge wave. It all happened so fast I can only remember being tossed around, trying to hold my breath.

I have to admit, I let go of my breath. I no longer had the strength the hold it. I felt water fill my lungs and slowly I lost my own conscious. Everything faded into black.

However the nothingness of the black was disturbed when I felt the water from my lungs rise up, into my mouth. I promise you I have never felt more disgusted in my life. The feeling is the worst. I opened my mouth to let it out. It didn't flow onto my body as I expected. Instead, it was just gone.

"There we go. That's better." A voice said.

Wait. It was the same voice as I heard out at sea. Just less floaty. Slowly I opened my eyes to be met with with sea green eyes.

"Rise and shine Thena." The person said.

Only my family members called me that. It's not a name I'm found off, but for now it was quite reassuring to me that this person was family.

"I thought I told you to hold your breath." They chuckled.

Okay, who dares mock me in this state? With a hand on my head I slowly rise until I'm in a sitting position. I notice I'm free to move around. Where did my armor go? I look around and see I'm on a beach, my armor a little scattered around.

When I look in front of me I see Poseidon is kneeled next to me. Ah, yes, he enjoys this mockery.

"You try to swim with armor and an unconscious angel." I mutter.

Wait. Where was said angel? Poseidon must've seen the horror of realization on my face because he grabbed my shoulders.

"Easy now. She's alright. Look behind you." He said.

I turned my head to look behind me and saw Demeter and Apollo sitting next to her.

"Will she be okay?" I asked.

"Of course. She's an immortal, you have nothing to worry about. But..." He trailed off.

"But what Poseidon?" I nearly growled.

After all we've been trough just now, I really don't need people to be vague with me.

"Hephaestus might have to craft some new wings though." He said softly.

My heart sank. Those majestic, snow white wings. Gone?

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