#45 * Because Of You...

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Alexia's pov:

They're yelling at each other again. Lately they do that a lot. Mommy says momma can't always win.

"It's just not fair." She says.

Momma says mommy is wrong. She says she can always win because "You just can't hand me the laurel everytime just because YOU want to.".

"Fine! If you're so smart and don't need my help, let's see how well you do without it!" Mommy yells.

"Fine!" Momma yells back.

She turns around and walks away, slamming the door behind her. It scares me. I've never heard momma this mad before.

I peek around the door into the kitchen. Mommy is leaning against the kitchen counter. She sighs and puts her hands in her hair.

Nike's pov:

I have had it with Athena. She thinks she's so much better just because she's smart and knows all the facts? Well I have news for her, she's no better than any of us. She's stuck in the same places we are, she just doesn't want to admit it!

"Mommy? Why is momma angry?" A fragile voice asks.

My heart cracks when I hear it and breaks when I see who it belongs to. Poor Alexia. She probably heard us fight.

I can see the tears stinging in my daughters eyes. If you're a parent you know that when I say 'it's the worst thing to see your child cry because of you' I mean it.

"Hey baby, come here." I say, crouching down and wrapping her in my arms.

"Momma is just a little mad because she thinks I don't understand her."

"But you always understand each other." Alexia states.

"We do baby. Even now. Even if we don't want to." I try to explain.

"Then why is she mad if she understands?" My daughter asks.

She makes a fine point there. How do I explain this to an eight year old without making it to complicated? I think for a second.

"You know how momma always wants to do things by herself? For example when she injured her leg the other day and kept walking around insisting that it didn't hurt even though it was obvious she was in a lot of pain?"

Alexia nods.

"Momma has always done things on her own. For centuries she has only taken care of herself. But now that she has had me for the past two decennia and you for the past year she needs to get used to people wanting to help her, even if she doesn't necessarily need it. And that isn't easy if you always look out for yourself."

"But why won't she let us help her?"

My heart breaks a little more with every new question. Each question Alexia asks, is a question I've been asking myself for years.

"Because momma thinks she's weak when she asks for help." I respond.

"But she always tells me that people are stonger when they are together. So why would she be weak if she asked for help?"

I'm baffled. I have no idea what to respond to this. Alexia is correct. Athena has always taught her that people should count on one another. And yet, here she is storming out every time I help her.

"Where did momma go?" Alexia asks.

"I-... I don't know. Why?" I ask in return, still a little dazed.

"Because I want to ask her. Momma is smart. She knows the answer to all my questions."

I can't help but smile a bit. That was honestly adorable.

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