#39 * Challenge Accepted

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(disclaimer: this short is based on Montero. It might contain some litteral lyrics here and there, but obviously I don't own this and all the rights of the song go to Lil Nas X.)

"Oh Athenaaa..." The voice of Aphrodite sing sang as she stepped through the door.

Athena froze in her drinking motion.

'Oh gods...' It flashed through her head.

"Where are youuu?" The love goddess added.

Before the wisdom goddess could even make her escape Aphrodite blocked her path.

"You better finish that ambrosia real quick so we can get going." She smirked as her, currently, green eyes lit up with excitement.

"Ugh, do we have to?" The daughter of Zeus asked with an eye roll.

"Uh yes obviously!" Aphrodite exclaimed.

"You lost a bet honey. Now you will do as you promised when you made the bet." She added.

Athena still didn't understand. How could she have lost at something as simple as a riddle?! Now she was stuck with Aphrodite all day. And not in an enjoyable way.

Nike came up behind the love goddess.

"Don't worry my love. I'll be there too. You'll be fine." The victory goddess smirked and added a wink.

"Right. As if it'll help me when all you'll do is drool." Athena responded with a shake of her head and an eye roll.

"Moral support?" The angel suggested, even though the smirk never leaving.

"Go ahead. Tell me what happens if I lose." Athena said with a confident smirk.

She would be able to solve any riddle handed to her. It didn't matter what happened if she lost, because there was no way she'd lose this bet.

"If you lose you'll have to do a steamy shoot for Nike over here." Aphrodite responded with a scary glow in her eyes.

"Define steamy." The wisdom goddess said.

When she glanced to the side she saw the angel blushing a deep gold.

"Less clothing then you usually wear. I'll figure out the details when we get there." The love goddess said with an innocent smile.

"There is still going to be clothes right?" Athena asked to make sure.

"Yeah yeah, just less." Was the careless response.

The daughter of Zeus revised it all in her head. Was this really worth the risk? If she did lose there was no way out, because she'd have to swear on the Styx in a moment. But on the other hand, there was litteraly no way she could lose.

Aphrodite stuck out a hand. After throwing every last worry she had out of the window, Athena took the hand.

"Swear on the river Styx we have a deal." Aphrodite ordered.

"I swear on the Styx that we have a deal and that I will accept the consequences of said deal." The wisdom goddess swore.

Thunder rumbled in the distance as proof of her words.

Aphrodite had flashed them all to the rooftop of a building. Nike was in awe. On that same rooftop stood a Lamborghini, multiple racks of clothing and a whole team set up, ready to get to work.

"Don't tell me you did all of this, just for me." Athena said with sarcastic love.

"Of course I did honey. I only want the best for you." The love goddess responded with the same sarcasm.

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