#57 * Subtle Magic

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Requested by dargonVVer2


"Can we go now?" Alexia asked in a whiney voice.

"Yeah, yeah, we're going." Athena responded with a sigh.

She shook her head, Alexia had been asking that very same question all day. The three of them had a little camping trip planned with Hestia, the goddess of the hearth.

"Babe? You ready to go?" The wisdom goddess yelled up the stairs.

"Yes, right here." Nike responded, materializing out of thin air.

"Alexia, come on darling." The angel added holding out her hand.

The little girl skipped over to her mommy and took a hold of her hand. The victory goddess nodded at her wife. The latter flashed the three of them from their palace in Olympus to a clearing with a stone circle in the middle.

A woman was putting some wood into the stone circle.

"Auntie Hestia!" Alexia exclaimed as she let go of Nike's hand and rushed towards the woman.

Nike smiled. She looked up Athena, but her expression was grim.

"You okay darling?" The angel asked.

"Yeah, just very tired, that's all." Her wife replied.

"She didn't sleep last night?"

"Without my help, not in the slightest." Athena grumbled.

Nike had been working for the entire night. Date night for Zeus and Hera meant she had to drive them around the entire world, to their favorite places. That also meant leaving Athena and Alexia alone at home.

"Dreams?" Nike questioned.

"Non-stop." The wisdom goddess said.

"Momma look!" Alexia called out.

She was holding a big piece of wood and lifted it above her head. Athena forced a smile and nodded in approval.

"Alexia seems well rested though." The angel noticed.

"Like I said, I helped. I was actively present in all her dreams."

"You kept her safe." The victoy goddess concluded.

Athena simply nodded.

A bit further away from the couple Hestia and Alexia had put all the wood needed in the stone circle.

"Will this be enough?" Alexia asked.

"Because I'm strong enough to get more." She added for good measure.

Hestia chuckeled softly.

"Oh, I know you are Alexia. But for now we have enough. What do you think? Should we light it?" She smiled at the girl.

The latter nodded eagerly. Then a gloom spread across her eyes and onto her face.

"But, auntie Hestia, I don't have cool fire powers like you do." Alexia pouted.

"What do you mean? Of course you do." The goddess of the hearth winked.

"No, I don't, I can't summon flames like you can."

"Surely you know you can make fire without magic." Hestia pointed out.

"You can?" Alexia questioned, perking up.

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