#7 * That One Bloody Party (part 2)

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Athena walked aimlessly through the streets of Olympus. This was not at all how she expected her night to go.

She wanted to yell out in rage, but she knew it would do little to help her aside from blowing of some steam.

These things just always made her so angry. Why couldn't people just let her be who she was? Without constantly trying to tell her what she could and couldn't do.

Her throbbing hand pulled her from her thoughts. For the first time in fifteen minutes she stopped to look at it. Ichor was dripping down from the wound as pieces of glass still stuck out.

The wisdom goddess sighed. She needed to take care of this, otherwise it would take quite a bit longer to heal. She didn't exactly feel patient right now.

She was wondering where she should go when she saw a young girl on the other side of the street.

The girl waved her over. Athena looked around, but saw no one else. For a moment she pondered whether or not she should follow a stranger she'd never met, but the girl waved again.

The grey eyed goddess crossed the street. However when she got there the girl was gone. Was this some sick trick?

She looked around and saw a white robe dissappear around a corner.

"Hey, wait!" Athena called out.

The person didn't listen, so she decided to follow them. Her night was already ruined anyway.


After the sater got told of by a bunch of Olympians he ran off. Nike chuckled as she saw him wobble away, nearly tripping every few steps.

Good, his homophobic a** was terrified. The Olympians started mingling with the crowd again. All of them except Hestia, Hermes and the twins.

"We should go find Athena." Hermes said.

"Agreed." Hestia replied.

"And soon too." Artemis pointed at a trail of Ichor drops.

"I'm sure she'll be alright. She's a soldier right? She won't be bothered by a wound like this." Apollo tried to ease everyone.

"That's what worries me..." Nike said, suddenly very serious.

The five of them agreed to go look. If they couldn't find her within an hour they'd meet back here and ask the others for help.


The wisdom goddess had been chasing the girl for a few blocks now. Where was she going?

Suddenly the girl appeared right in front of her. Athena let out a yelp in surprise. The girl raised a her finger in front of her lips, a sign to be quiet.

The grey eyed goddess did as told. She took a good look at the girl. White robes, white veil on her head. All of it spotless.

"Wait, I know who you are." Athena said.

The girl nodded for her to continue.

"You're Hygiea aren't you?"

Hygiea nodded. She took the wisdom goddesses' non-injured hand and lead her towards a house near the edge of the main city.

Athena looked behind her for a moment. Had they really gone that far? Hygiea kept pulling her along, inside the house. Inside it was spotless as well.

A young man was seated at a table. In the living area they had just entered. The whole tabled was filled with books and scrolls. About what, Athena couldn't see.

Athena x Nikeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن