#8 * Love Like A Battlefield

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"Nike!" Athena called out.

The angel turned to her girlfriend with a smile on her face. If only she knew what was coming. Athena reached for her as she ran as fast as her feet could carry her.

But it wasn't fast enough...

The shell hit and an explosion pierced the ears of the wisdom goddess. A giant blast sent her flying back into the mud.

Athena's ears rung and her vision was blurry, but one thing she knew for sure.

'I have to find Nike.'

The thought kept replaying in her mind as she dragged herself up, only to fall down again clutching her right leg. She let out a cry of pain and frustration. When she looked down she saw a blur of ichor and torn fabric.

Tears were rolling down the goddess' cheek, but she didn't give them a second thought. The same for her leg. Instead of getting up, Athena crawled forward.

She just had to find her.

The angel watched as Athena was overlooking a set of battle plans in her tent. Athena's officers surrounded them, each looking as deeply in thought as Athena herself.

"What if I try to get our troops around the field to get to their lines and cut them off there?" Athena asked, eyes still fixed on the map in front of her.

"You could, but you'll lose at least half by trying to get around. You won't win." Nike said.

Her words left a bitter taste in her mouth. She was the goddess of victory, she knew this plan wouldn't work. Just like the dozens of others Athena had already showed her.

But she wanted so badly for Athena to find a way. Then she could be at her side. If she didn't, she'd have to stand with the opposite site or well... Ares.

Nike didn't exactly like it when he won. It usually meant a lot of bloodshed that could be avoided.

"What if I can send a small squad to infiltrate their lines at key points in their defence. If they succeed their lines break." Athena pointed out.

"If they succeed. Athena first of all you don't know those points, they could be anywhere. Second, those points will be heavily fortified. There is no way a small squad could measure up to dozens of troopers trained to kill each and every intruder." Nike explained.

"You won't win."

The three words that hurt Athena the most. No matter how much armor she wore or how good of a strategist she was, they cut deeper than any knife.

The grey eyes of the goddess darkened as frustration and anger washed over her. In one clean swipe all of the maps and miniature troopers were swiped off the table.

It didn't make her feel better yet so she gripped the table and in one lift it was flipped over.

"Out!" Athena yelled at her officers.

Each of the men and women scurried out, not wanting to be at the receiving end of the goddess' anger.

Once the officers were gone Athena took a deep breath and looked at Nike.

"Tell me what I have to do to tip the scale. I honestly don't know anymore." She sighed.

The words hit Nike as if she'd been slapped across the cheek. Athena never gave up. There was no such thing as her saying 'I don't know'. Athena always had a plan. Right?

The angel took a good look at her lover. Tired was the only word that seemed to fit.

She stepped closer and without words she wrapped her arms around the wisdom goddess. A few moments later she felt her embrace was returned.

Athena x NikeWhere stories live. Discover now