#50 * Visit The Past

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A special for 50 chapters

Quick note before we get into this. This chapter will be entirely based off of the events in #17 so if you don't remember all that well I recommend going back for a refresh. - Athena


"Where are we going again?" A seventeen year old Alexia asked.

She stood in the living room in front of her moms. They had gloomy looks and were talking to one another. Neither of them gave an answer to Alexia's question.

"Trust 'em kid. This won't be easy. Not for them and not for you." Rexhenor replied, putting a hand on the teenager's shoulder.

"Honey are you sure this is a good idea?" Nike asked concerned.

"No. But we can't keep this from her. She has a right to know." Athena answered.

"She has a right to know what?" Alexia interrupted, clearing her throat.

"You'll see. Just hold on to your mother." The wisdom goddess sighed.

Alexia held Nike's hand. The latter gave a little encouraging squeeze with a faint smile.

One moment the room filled with a bright light, the next it was empty. The little family stood in front of the gates of an old and deserted town.

"What is this place?" Alexia asked, seeing all the rubble.

"About 12 years ago there was a battle here. One that destroyed the entire town." Athena said as she started walking into town.

Nike was holding her hand and Rexhenor was walking next to Alexia.

"Your mother and I , your grandfather and his brother Hades fought against Poseidon and his allies. We won, but at the cost of this town." Nike continued.

"The general took Alpha squad and we headed into town to see if there were any survivors. Our artillery boys got them good as you can see." Rexhenor added.

As Alexia looked around she noticed not one house was left standing.

"Mom did you give that order?" The teen asked.

It was addressed to Athena, but the question could just as well have been addressed to Nike. The silence that followed filled Alexia with fear.

"I did. I ordered them to send a couple of waring shots. However I did not expect them to tear it apart and blow it to bits." The wisdom goddess stated.

"They chose to shoot their warning shots precise and deadly, all just within the range of the last ones destruction." The angel explained.

"So yes, I gave the order. No, I didn't want it to end like this. They were supposed to miss."

The daughter of Zeus muttered the last sentence with bitterness.

After a bit of walking they reached a house. Part of the top floor was visible and some of it's flooring was laying on the first floor in rubble.

"This is the place kid." Rexhenor said, putting a hand on Alexia's shoulder.

"What place?" The girl asked.

"The place where we found you." Athena said.

Alexia felt like someone hit her head with a frying pan. The world around her stopped. All she could see was the house. Rexhenor's touch on her shoulder seemed so far away.

Her whole life she had thought she was a daughter of the goddesses standing in front of her and now they tell her they found her?! Here in a town destroyed by her mother's artillery in a battle between her grandfather and his brothers. The same grandfather and brothers she had shared so many meals with and the same people she had sat and played with.

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