#20 * That Kind Of Special

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(Author's note: Hi, quickly dropping into to notify a change in writing style. I want to try out a pov for this one. I might switch between this and the other style a couple of times bcs I like both :)) - Athena_9909)

Nike's pov:

I was headed towards the temple. I felt like walking today. Plus I had no desire to be there early it would only mean I'd have to stand guard longer and let me tell you it is the most boring part of the job for sure.

When I arrived the council room was full, except for one empty throne. Athena's throne. She'd been gone for quite a while and apparently she still hadn't returned.

Part of me really missed her. When she was still here we'd always hang out together. Tease some mortals, plan out unbeatable strategies and ride in my chariot.

As usual I took my place next to Zeus' throne. He gave me a nod. I gave a wave to my sister Bia on the other side. She gave me a smile.

-Timeskip to the end of the meeting-

Finally I was allowed to move. Sometimes I felt like a statue standing there.

"Nike!" Zeus boomed.

Snapping out of my thoughts I look up to my boss.

"Yes sir?" I asked.

"I have a job for you." He replied.

After explaining what he wanted me to do he flashed himself away, like most Olympians had already done.

He wanted me to check on Athena. Apparently she's at this lake called Tritones with a bunch of nymphs and stuff, doing all the things we used to do together.

I really didn't have to see how much fun she's having without me. But when your boss is Zeus you can't exactly say no and expect to live.

As requested I left right away. That is as soon as my chariot was ready. It was the perfect excuse. Flashing there was just too easy and super boring. So I tend to take my chariot most of the time.

There's nothing like being up in the sky in your chariot. Feeling the wind blow and the sense of freedom is the best feeling there is.

When I arrived I was met with a couple of nymphs who immediately tended to my horses.

"Lady Nike." A tird Nymph bowed.

"Please, Nike is fine." I say with a smile.

"As you wish. Is there anything we can do for you?" She nodded.

"Yes, I'm looking for Athena actually."

"Of course. Right this way. I believe she's with my daughter Pallas at the lake itself."

The nymph led me towards where Athena was. As we walked I looked around. A bunch of trees around a huge lake. On one side there were some cliffs with a couple of nereïds and satyrs jumping off, into the water.

"They should be right over there." The nymph in front of me said.

She pointed towards the water. I followed with my gaze and saw Athena in the water with a young girl.

When she looked away from who I assumed was Pallas, to avoid a splash of water in her face, her eye fell on me. A smirk appeared on Athena's face as she winked at me. What on earth was she planning?

She send a splash Pallas' way and disappeared underneath the water. She didn't come up for a while. That is until the water was too shallow to remain underneath.

Soon enough she was walking towards the shore. Her grey eyes were trained on me. They were captivating. I made the mistake of forcing myself free to look further down her body... Her very naked body... I swallowed as I looked away, most likely with a blush on my face.

After a few minutes Athena had dried off and gotten dressed. We had walked to the top of one of the cliffs.

"So what are you doing here?" Athena asked.

"I... Urm... Boss' orders." I reply.

I was a little dazed. The vision of the naked goddess was still engraved in my mind.

"Is that the only reason?" She teased.

I strictly nodded, not able to respond with words. I seemed to notice a hint of disappointment in her figure, but I wasn't sure.

"Well you can tell him everything is in order." She said, ready to walk away.

"W-where are you going?" I asked in a moment of bravery.

"Going back to the lake to resume my swim. You have what you need don't you?"

Her voice was almost snappy. Athena was ticked off by something. But what? Was it something I said? Something I did?

I didn't know what to say in that moment. I wanted her to stay. I wanted to take her back with me even. But I knew I couldn't. Neither would I be brave enough to ask.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Athena interrupted my thoughts.

"Like... What?"

"As if you're forced to choose. As if I just gave you an impossible choice." She raised a brow at me.

Damnit. I hate it when she knows exactly what I'm thinking. It's something only she can do and it's always incredibly accurate.

"Okay. Tell me. What's wrong?" She said, walking back in my direction.

"Nothing is wrong Athena." I say, turning my gaze to the lake beneath is.

"You're using my name... Something is definitly wrong." She pointed out.

I remain quiet. She's right. She always is. She's Athena after all. She's clever like that.

"I just don't want you to go away yet." I reply barely above a whisper.

I don't see it, but I will bet you 20 drachme her face is sqrunched up in a frown.

"Why not?"

The ever rational woman. Trying to figure out everything. Wanting to understand even the tiniest detail.

"So I don't have to see how much fun you have without me." I mutter.

I meant it as a joke, but I think we both recognized it as the truth.

"You miss me." Athena concluded.

I scoff and turn to her.

"I thought I made it obvious I'd miss you when you left."

That day I kept her as close to me as I could. We spent the whole day together. We chose a meadow and just laid there until she had to leave. We talked and laughed, forgetting time. And when she was about to leave I hugged her as tight as I could. I never wanted to let go, but I was forced to.

For a moment there was silence between the two of us.

"You did." Athena spoke up.

I didn't know what to say so I just remained silent. Suddenly I felt the spark of her touch travel all the way up my right arm. She had taken my hand in her own.

"I miss you too." Athena whispered.

"Even with your new friend?" I ask.

"Don't be like that." She scolds me.

"Pallas is just that. My friend. You're... Special..."

Athena had muttered the last part barely audible. I was confused. What did she mean with that?


She nodded.

"Special in what way?" I ask.

Athena got a smirk lacing her lips. Then she leaned in and kissed my cheek.

"That kind of special." She winked.

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