#66 * Mental Prison (Part 2)

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Suggested by dargonVVer2

This is a continuation of last chapter. Maybe re-read if you don't remember.

- Athena


Nike's POV:

My wife layed her head in my lap, but I felt disconected from this woman. I didn't recognize her and an apology certainly wasn't just going to make things better.

I let my hurt spill out through tears. They streamed over my cheeks, but I refused to make a sound.

'Hurt her like she hurt you!' My mind grumbled.

'No! She's been through so much already!' My heart cried out.

'She needs to learn.'

I made up my mind. Even though I placed a soothing hand on Athena's head and let my fingers stroke through her hair, I didn't really feel sorry for her. All I could see was how she slammed our daughter into the ground.

Alexia's POV:

I managed to get myself up off the ground.

'Who are you and what have you don't to my wife?'

The words kept replaying in my head. Each time I tried to tune them out they only got louder.

I stumbled through the hallway, trying to reach my room. When I opened the door I saw Bagheera, my black panther, was laying on my bed. He looked up.

The moment he saw me, he got up and immediately came up to me. He pushed his head into my legs and I let my hand stroke his head absent-minded.

I closed the door behind me and slid down against it. Bagheera layed himself across my lap.

"They were arguing Bagheera." I said, finding comfort in stroking his smooth black fur.

He didn't look up, just stayed where he was.

"I've never heard mom this hurt before. Do you know what she said?" I asked.

No response.

"She said she didn't even recognize her own wife."

Tears trickled down my cheeks when I could no longer stop them. I had a hollow feeling in my chest.

Now Bagheera looked up and when he saw I was crying he wanted to lick away my tears. I pushed him away slightly and instead chose to place my forehead against his. He seemed fine with that too. I drowned out the world, not wanting to feel anything else but Bagheera.

I don't know how long I sat there, but the next moment I became aware of the world around me, I heard a knock.

"Alexia? Are you there?" I heard mom ask.

"Yeah one second!" I called back, pushing Bagheera off me and wiping the remainder of my tears away.

Bagheera retreated to my bed again as I opened the door. My mom, the victory goddess, stood there with red, puffy eyes from crying.

"Can I come in?" She asked.

She looked over my shoulder towards the big cat on my bed. It has happened before that I don't really want to see anyone and he'll make sure no one enters. Not even my moms. So the question wasn't really directed towards me, but towards Bagheera. He seemed fine with it, but kept a close eye on both of us.

"Yeah sure." I said, side stepping to let her pass.

I closed the door behind her again. The moment I let go of the door handle my mom hugged me. I hugged her back.

Athena x NikeWhere stories live. Discover now