#48 * Sunny Dreams

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This story contains light smut. Nothing extreme, but I understand if this is not for you. In that case you might want to skip this one and move on to the next one.

Also I want to give a quick disclaimer that I don't usually write this kind of stuff so I'm not exactly good at it. I hope it is somewhat good though. Let me know what you think at the end.

- Athena


Athena woke up in a sunny room. She didn't recognize it as her own. When she looked outside, through the floor to ceiling windows, she saw a tropical view and some mountains. It seemed like a rainforest, but she couldn't be sure without getting up.

Behind the floor to ceiling windows was a balcony with... Was that a little pool? And a table with two chairs and a single white rose in the middle.

Where was she? She'd never seen this place before. When she tried to move she found she was stuck. Her hands were tied to the bed. When did that happen?

She fought against the ties around her wrists, but didn't get anywhere.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. It'll only end up bruising you." A feminine voice said.

That voice she would recognize everywhere, seeing as it belong to her wife, Nike. Where did she come from?

When Athena looked up, raising her head as much as she could with her hands tied over her head, she saw Nike standing there with a smile. A smug smile at that.

Her eyes rolled over her... Naked?... Wife. The grey eyed woman swallowed hard. What happened?

"W-what happened?" She uttered.

Nike gave her a confused look.

"You mean you don't remember?" She asked.

"Don't remember what?"

Her wife walked closer to the edge of the bed. It was all Athena could do to keep her eyes on her wife's face and keep her thoughts somewhat decent.

"How we celebrated the victory last night and came here right after." The victory goddess smirked.

"Then why am I tied up?" The daughter of Zeus questioned.

"Let's say we celebrated a little more then the others." The angel smirked.

Athena swallowed and glanced down at her body. She still wore her dress. Well... Wore might be a big word.

The leather cord that was supposed to keep her dress together was still there, but her chest was exposed since the V-line was torn open. No doubt the work of her wife. She counted several hickey's on her stomach alone. Her skirt was parted and showed most of her thighs, on which more of the tiny bruises showed.

'That kind of celebration huh?' It raced through her mind.

"So if that was last night, why am I still tied to the bed?" Athena questioned.

"Darling that was an hour ago." Nike raised a brow.

"How much did you drink last night?"

"I... Uh-" The grey eyed goddess started, but fell silent.

Why couldn't she remember a party? Or having sex with her wife for that matter. One might think if it was only an hour ago she'd remember.

No matter how hard she racked her brain, she couldn't find one memory of the things that'd happened.

"Oh dear..." The angel in front of her muttered.

"You don't remember."

Athena gave a weak smile. How could she forget?!

"Well then. Maybe I should give you a reminder." Nike smirked, crawling onto the bed.

The wisdom goddess swallowed.

'Oh Gaia...' She thought as her wife hovered over her.

Before she could even register it, Athena felt Nike's lips on her own.

Now many people will tell you that victory has a sweet taste. The daughter of Zeus could confirm that, without hesitation.

As they kissed a hunger started rising inside of Athena. A hunger for the woman on top of her. She wanted to touch her, let her hands roam over every inch of the angel, feel her soft skin underneath her fingers and let her hands run through her long blonde hair.

"Let me touch you." Athena whispered when Nike pulled away for a second.

"Maybe." The latter responded with a teasing smile.

The wisdom goddess gave her wife a commanding look. Normally that did the trick. Now however, not so much.

"Tempting. But if you want your hands loose, you'll have to plead." The victory goddess smirked.

Nike was well aware that pleading was one thing her wife refused to do. She saw it as below her. After all she was an Olympian, she could get what she wanted when she wanted. Most of the time that is.

"No." Athena stated.

"Fine by me, but then I'll be topping you this morning." Nike smirked.

The light in Athena's eyes told the victory goddess she was on the right track.

"You know what you have to do if you want to touch me." She pushed.

Still Athena refused. Not once in her immortal lifetime would she plead in a bedroom. She decided that a long time ago.

The daughter of Zeus knew it fine for the angel either way. The way Nike's kisses trailed from her jawline, down her neck, in between her breasts, down to her stomach told her that much.

As the daughter of Styx reached the part where Athena's dress was still somewhat kept together she looked up and smirked.

It was at that point Athena knew there was no point in trying to get free with manipulation. The angel had her mind set on being the top this morning and once she had her mind made up there was nothing anyone could do to change it.

Nike tugged at the leather cord. The knot it was in untied itself and whatever was left of Athena's dress fell apart.

"Better isn't it?" The victory goddess smiled.

The wisdom goddess just hummed in agreement. Nike picked up her trail of kisses where she'd left off. She started at Athena's stomach, moving down to her right tigh and then moving inwards, slowly pushing her legs apart.

Right in that moment, just as she was about to feel that sweet victory once more she shot straight up.

Athena looked around. She was in her boring room in Olympus. No fancy view or apartment, just the regular, old city. When she looked next to her in the bed Nike was there. Her face covered in the mess that was her hair.

The wisdom goddess smiled to herself and layed back down, staring at the ceiling. Content, but slightly annoyed that the dream wasn't real.

Hello kiddos,

It's been quite a while now I'm aware, but I'm back. I missed being around here, but some vacation was long overdue. Thank you all so much for respecting that. But we're here, we're queer and so are Athena and Nike so let's get back to the usual uploading schedule! Enjoy!

- Athena

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