#52 * That Day By The Lake

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Nike smiled. Her feet bungled in the lake as she sat on the docks. Ahead of her the sun slowly sank into the water. She enjoyed the view of the final hours of the day.

The angel felt hands on her shoulders and looked up. She was met with the calm face of her girlfriend.

"Enjoying the view?" Athena asked kissing the top her head.

"Mhm..." Nike hummed.

The wisdom goddess took a seat next to her. She too let her feet sink into the water.

"You know there's only one view that is more beautiful than all of the scenery in the world." The victory goddess said, a goofy smirk lacing her lips.

"Which is?" Athena asked, her voice full of caution.

She wasn't sure she wanted to know the answer to her question. The smirk her girlfriend wore told her whatever it was might not be that... Decent...

"You... Naked." Nike responded, the smirk never leaving.

A golden blush appeared on Athena's cheeks. She did not just say that.

For a long second the wisdom goddess didn't react. The angel feared she might've broken her girlfriend.

But soon enough the daughter of Zeus did in fact react. She pushed the victory goddess into the water.

"You are such an idiot." She said, looking down from on the docks.

"What can I say-" Nike started with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

It's like a little alarm went of in Athena's head. Hermes always had that look in his eyes right before pulling a prank with someone. She was so familiar with it by now that it immediately warned her to get out of there.

But sadly the wisdom goddess reaction was too slow. The victory goddess grabbed her ankle and pulled her into the water.

"-It's totally worth it." The angel grinned when her girlfriend resurfaced.

"I hate you." Athena grumbled, pushing Nike under the water.

The latter resurfaced again a moment later, still grinning.

"Oh, I love you too darling."

Athena rolled her eyes. The victory goddess simply reacted by pulling her closer towards her. She was about to kiss her girlfriend, but the wisdom goddess turned her head away.

Nike feigned a look of shock and hurt.

"How dare you?!" She said with fake anger.

"You soooo brought this on yourself." Athena chuckled.

"Fine, then I'll fix this myself too."

The daughter of Zeus raised a brow as if to say 'oh?'

Nike took her face in her hand and forced her to look her in the eye. Fun fact about the wisdom goddess, to most she was intimidating, right? Well, up until the point where Nike does anything dominant, then she turns into a simp in point two seconds.

"There we go. Good girl." Nike muttered in a deeper voice.

Athena blushed deeper than she already had. The angel locked their lips.


It's a short one I know, but I thought it was quite wholesome sooo yeah oop-. Still hope you guys liked it though. The next one should be back to the usual length. Enjoy!

- Athena

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