#80 * Savior

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Based on the picture above

Nike shot straight up in bed. The annoyed murmur of Athena hit her ears as she muttered something incoherent.

"What is it?" The wisdom goddess asked, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

She'd layed so comfortable on Nike's shoulder? Why did she shoot up like that? It wasn't a bad dream though. The angel's breathing was perfectly normal. However the victory goddess seemed alert and wide awake.

"Shush." Nike said, shushing her wife.

She'd heard something. Something she would never deny. In the quiet of the night a voice called out again.

"Grab your armor love. We're going out." The angel stated, getting up and snapping her fingers to get dressed.



Athena sighed, but did as Nike had asked of her. She too got up and snapped her fingers to get dressed. At the motion of her hand, her armor started strapping itself around her body.

Without a second thought or word Nike grabbed Athena's hand and lead her towards the balcony.

"Hold tight." She ordered, holding onto her girlfriend's waist.

The daughter of Zeus wrapped her arms around the angel's neck as the latter spread her majestic wings and took off into the night.

Not a lot later the two of them landed safely on the sidewalk.

"Care to let me in on what's going on?" Athena asked, really getting annoyed that she couldn't plan ahead.

"Around the corner." Was all Nike said.

The two of them peaked around the corner. In front of them a gruesome scene unfolded. Two children stood with their backs pressed against the wall. Fear was evident on their faces as tears streamed down.

The boy must've been about 12 years old and the girl no older than 6.

"PLEASE, ANYONE!" The boy screamed at the top of his lungs.

He stared down the barrels of a couple of guns, aimed at his head, as gang members closed in on him. He had the girl clutching onto his arm.

"What's the matter kid? Big enough to throw a bag full of cash in the river, but not big enough to face the consequences?" The man who seemed like the leader laughed.

"You heard them all the way back home?" Athena whispered to her wife, slightly surprised.

"Of course I did. Why didn't you?" Nike whispered back.

The victory goddess didn't care much for the answer. She just wanted to save those kids.

"You come from the back, I'll get the kids."

Athena simply nodded.

Nike flashed herself in front of the kids, confusing both them and the gang members.

"Where did you come from?" The leader wondered, aiming his gun at the victory goddess.

"Your nightmares." Nike replied.

"A pretty woman like you? I doubt it."

The man had a smug smirk on his face. The angel ignored it and looked past him to see Athena silently move into place. They made eye contact for a brief moment.

"Images like those are reserved for someone else." Nike grinned, summoning her sword.

"What century did you come from? Fighting with a sword like that." Another gang member chuckled.

"Take a guess."

Nike's eyes gleamed dangerously. Her stance was solid, but she stood light on her feet, ready to strike at any given moment.

The next moment the first shot was fired in the angel's direction. Time slowed down for the immortal as she watched the bullet get launched out of the gun.

She side stepped and since it was aimed at her head it mearly hit the wall behind her without further damage or harm.

Time went back to normal. The victory goddess shook her head.

"Now see, that was not a good idea." She stated.

"Now you've made her mad."

The daughter of Styx pointed her sword to a point fixed behind the men. The man who had fired the shot turned around and was met with a right hook to his jaw.

The children were shocked to see an angelic being with a sword and a woman in armor. Just as that same woman became a flash of gold the angelic woman turned around and spread her wings, hiding the scene that was about to unfold.

"Who are you?" The boy asked, pushing his little sister a little further behind him. 

"Don't worry, we're here to help." Nike said, sheating her sword and holding up her hands.

"My name is Nike and the woman out there, taking care of those men is Athena."

"Are you an angel?" The girl questioned peaking from behind her brother's arm.

The victory goddess didn't respond, she merely winked. 

"Please take my hand, I will get both of you out of here." 

The daughter of Styx held out her hands for the kids to take. They were hesitant, but ulitimately despair took over and they grabbed the goddess' hand.

Nike pulled them in, wrapping the kids in her arms and flying straight up, leaving behind a bloody scene. The boy spotted a flash of gold rushing around in a pool of blood as they raced up into the night sky.

At a safe height the angel kept floating in the air for a moment. 

"What are your names?" She asked the kids in her arms.

"My name is Jake and my sister is named Alissa." The boy replied.

"Very well and where can I take you Jake?"

"I don't know. We don't have any family left. Our parents died 4 years ago. We've lived with our aunt ever since, but apparently she owed money to those guys. She told us to get rid of the money right before they shot her. There was no other family."

"Mhm, then we'll have to find a solution for that." 

Without another word Nike dived down once more, landing on the corner to the alley they had escaped. 

There she found Athena, wiping her hands on some piece of cloth. She had seemingly missed the bloodsplatters on her face. 

"Ah there you are." The war goddess shrugged, spotting the angel and the two kids. 

"Why didn't you drop them off?"

"They've got nowhere to go." Nike explained.

"Ah, I see."

"Could we-"

"No. Absolutely not." 


"No, no exeptions."

"There has to be something we can do." 

"We can make sure to get them to a safe space, but they're not coming with us. We just brought the last few kids down from Olympus, I doubt my father will be happy to see more of them." Athena stated.

Nike just grinned.

"I thought you wouldn't kill humans anymore." The angel stated, hinting at her wife's bloody armor.

"The moment you aim a gun at a child's head you've lost your humanity." She replied, with a dark undertone.

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