#78 * Rough Day

271 13 10

Requested by FireAlphaWolf


Athena's pov:

"I hate your father!" Nike exclaimed.

I peeked over the edge of my book to see my girlfriend standing in our livingroom, soaking wet.

'Oh Gaia, here we go...' I thought.

"What did he do now?" I asked.

"The twat threw a tantrum after I told him he couldn't win the game at the casino. He made me drive him back through a thunderstorm." She grumbled.

I could practically see the thundercloud above her own head. I closed my book and placed it to the side. I got up and walked up to her.

Nike had her arms crossed. I just pulled her into my chest and wrapped my arms around her. After a few seconds she uncrossed her arms and wrapped them around my waist.

"Does he have to be such a pain in the ass?" My girlfriend muttered against my chest.

"Would he be Zeus if he wasn't?" I asked in return.

Nike just grumbled something incoherent.

"What do you need?"

"Dry clothes."

The reply was laced with sarcasm and a deep anger. Nike could be angry for a long time. She was also the vengeful type. If someone wronged her, they would know it and she would pay them back twice as hard.

"Oviously, anything else?"

Nike looked up at me. Her hazel eyes stared into mine.

"Anything else?" She asked me, stressing the first word.

"Anything." I confirmed.

For a moment Nike seemed to contemplate what she wanted to ask.

"Will you please take care of my wings? They're a mess and I have nor the patience nor the energy at the moment." My girlfriend questioned, placing her head on my chest once more.

"Of course love." I replied.

I lifted her into my waist and carried her up the stairs to our bedroom. I brought her inside and gently placed her down on the bed.

Nike took off her shirt and layed down on her stomach. I sat down next to her left and started picking out stray feathers from her messy wings.

I dropped the snow white feathers next to our bed. I'd get rid of them later. Slowly I made my way down the majestic wing, all the way to the tip.

"Babe? Stretch out your wing if you will." I stated.

Without a second thought Nike obeyed. She streched out her left wing. Here and there there was still a few loose feathers that I plucked out as well.

When I was satisfied she folded it onto her back again and I moved to her other side and repeated the entire process there too.

On either side of our bed I had collected two little piles of feathers. Most of them were fluffy small ones, but here and there a long one littered the floor as well.

When I was done with the wings I decided to add to the relaxation moment. I summoned some scented oil into my hands.

Without a single word I dripped a few drops onto Nike's back, right between her wings. Knowing very well what it meant she hummed in agreement.

I placed myself on top of her, giving myself full access to her back. I let my hands roam around between and around her wings, gently massaging the tension I felt away. I did the same for Nike's shoulders and lower back.

"How did your ass of a father get a daughter as wonderful as you?" Nike wondered.

She had her eyes closed as she enjoyed my touch.

"My mother." I simply replied, mainly focussed on my task at hand.

"She must've been way too kind."

"She was." I agreed.

"I mean, she helped my father defeat his father and how does he pay her back? He eats her."

I shuddered at the thought alone. My father and I could see eye to eye on a lot of things, but this was one thing I would never understand.

"She payed him back though." Nike grinned.

"How so?"

"She gave him the mother of all headaches when she blessed his life with you."

I couldn't help but smile.

"I guess that is comforting yes." I chuckled.

I finished up the massage I had going on. The tension in my girlfriend's body had left. I leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek.

"Happier?" I asked.

"A lot." Nike grinned.


I rolled off her back and dropped down next to her. Immediately Nike turned around and cuddled up to me.

"I love you." She sighed contently.

"I love you too." I replied, burying my fingers into her long, blond hair.

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