#60 * Watching From Afar

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Based on 'You belong with me' by Taylor Swift.


The sounds of wood clashing against wood, grunting and heavy breathing were heard in the arena.

A heated battle was taking place there. A heated battle between two deities who didn't like to lose. After all one was a skilled warrior with many victories on her name, the other was the litteral embodiment of victory. What embodiment of victory loses?

With brute force the former let her wooden spear fly down upon Nike, the victory goddess. However she wasn't having it. With equal strength she blocked the attack.

"I thought you'd be stronger." She playfully teased.

"I thought you were quicker." Her opponent, Athena, smirked.

She released the pressure she was putting on her weapon and did a spin, kicking the victory goddesses legs from underneath her.

With a load thud she fell on her back. Nike groaned. She was about to sit up, but found the point of a spear aimed at her throat.

"Guess I won." Athena chuckled.

"Only because I let you." Nike grinned in return.

"Right." Her opponent shrugged.

Athena stuck out her hand and Nike took it. When she was up she noticed just how close she was standing to Zeus' daughter. For a moment the air became electric as she drowned in Athena's grey eyes and strong aura.

They were so close. Bodies practically pressed together, lips only inches away from one another. The angel was close enough to feel her heart beating. For a second she let herself drift into the thought of what it would be like to taste her lips.

"Thena, honey, you were great!" A voice behind them said.

From that same direction footsteps sounded. Nike would recognize that voice everywhere. It belonged to Athena's girlfriend, Calliope, a muse.

'You've got to be kidding me.' It flashed through the angel's mind.

"Thanks Cal." Athena responded, letting go of Nike and going over to her girlfriend.

The daughter of Zeus wanted to hug her, but Calliope pushed her away slightly.

"You're sweaty silly. Go shower first." The muse chuckled, but it sounded slightly forced.

"Right." Athena responded, swallowing the lump that had formed in her throat.

"Come on let's go. We have a lecture to be at in a couple of hours and you still need to get ready." Calliope said as she turned around and walked away.

"Hey Nike? Great practice, I'll catch you later okay?" Athena said, turning around while trailing behind Calliope.

Nike just smiled and waved. She didn't trust her mouth to keep to nice words. She couldn't, for the life of her, figure out why Athena let Calliope boss her around like that.

Now understand one thing, the angel didn't hate Calliope. She just didn't agree with the things she did. For one, she surpressed Athena's war goddess nature.

And when she did allow Athena to show it, like today in the arena, she only let her at it for what? Half an hour? This little match? It was barely a warm up for the wisdom goddess and Nike knew that.

She didn't lie to Athena earlier. She did let her win. If only to give her the sense she actually trained, to at least give her the sense that she was using her skills.

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