#34 * Winter Bets

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Nike's pov:

I was resting my head on Athena's lap as she was reading. She was getting her fingers through my hair. If you've ever had someone do that you'll know it's incredibly relaxing.

It was just so comfy. I could feel my eyelids getting heavy. A nice laid back day. It couldn't get any better than this.

"Mommy!!! Momma!!! Look it's snowing!!!"

And there goes my quiet. I groan slightly. I love my daughter to pieces, but rest? Let me tell you it does not happen in this household. I bury my face in Athena's lap. My girlfriend chuckles.

When I look up again I see Alexia is standing in front of us.

"Mommy will you come play outside with me?" She asked.

I dare you to look at this five year old and say no. It's impossible I tell you.

"Mommy, mommy please."

She was practically jumping up and down now.

Athena's pov:

Right in front of me I saw a head appear over the edge of my book every second.

"Alexia, patience." I reminded her.

This is not the first time I have to say this. She'll get over excited and start pushing for an answer.

"Yes mommaaaa."

Alexia drags the words in a bored kind of way. As if I'm bothering her.

"Don't use that tone please." I say, looking up from my book.

I make sure we look one another in the eye. She nods, but her smile suggests it isn't genuine. She's too excited to be worried about her tone.

Alexia gave her mommy another expecting look. I could practically hear the silent 'Pleaseeee'. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes of course. Go get your shoes and your coat. I'll be right there." Nike said, sounding as if she just woke up.

Naturally Alexia darts away to go grab her stuff. I couldn't help the smile on my face. It was just too adorable.

"Stop smiling, you're coming too." My girlfriend smirked.

"She asked you." I counter.

"And I ask you. You're not getting to stay in here, all warm and cosy with your book and a cup of hot chocolate, while I'm freezing my *ss off outside entertaining our daughter." She said in return.

I chuckle and shake my head.

"You're the one that-"

"Don't because you agreed." Nike said, already half way to follow Alexia.

She made it clear there was no way I was finishing my book today.

Nike's pov:

Once I successfully stripped my girlfriend of the couch we met up outside with Alexia.

She was running through the snow. Occasionally stopping, picking some up and throwing it over her head. Apparently the snow that was still falling wasn't enough.

"Want to make a bet?" Athena said with a wink.

"Oh Gaia... Yeah sure. What are we betting on?" I reply.

"I bet you that within an hour she's freezing from all the snow she's throwing over herself." My girlfriend chuckled.

She made a fair point there. But Alexia would stay outside longer than an hour. She's the type of kid that has way too much energy. One hour of running around usually isn't enough.

But then again Athena wouldn't bet unless she was absolutely sure. She was right on the fact that our daughter hates wearing anything that is the least bit wet. Even if it's just a drop, she'll ask for another shirt.

"Alright. I counter that bet and extend the time with 30 minutes." I said in response.

Athena seemed to weigh her options. No doubt contemplating the same things I had.

"Deal." My girlfriend replied, extending her hand.

I took it.

"What do I get if I win though?" I question with a grin.

It had to be competitive otherwise it wouldn't be as funny. For a moment Athena's brows furrowed. Then her eyes ligthed up and a smirk appeared.

"Loser treats the other to a little something 'extra' tonight."

"Good to know I can expect my night to become a lot more interesting." I smirk.

"Yes, because you'll be taking care of me. Isn't that lovely?" Athena winked.

Before I could say anything else she was off chasing Alexia in the snow. I took a moment to take in the scene. As I watched Athena caught up with Alexia and picked her up off the ground. Alexia's laughter sounded like music in my ears.

I loved watching the two of them goof around.

Athena's pov:

After a good two hours of running around, building a snowman and a full on snowball war we finally decided to head inside. The three of us were freezing and our clothes were drenched in icey water from the snow.

"Momma can I have some hot chocolate?" Alexia asked, handing me her coat.

"Of course." I replied, putting it in the closet where it belongs.

"Make me some too darling." Nike said kissing my cheek.

"Mhm... As you wish."

My girlfriend's brow raises.

"What did I do and how can I do it again?" She smirks.

I roll my eyes with faked annoyance as we walk to the living room. I sit down on the couch with both my girls at my side. Alexia gets comfy and rests her head on my chest. Nike chose for my shoulder instead.

At the snap of my fingers the tree of us are holding a cup of steaming hot chocolate.

Nike's pov:

After finishing her cup Alexia fell asleep against Athena. She looked simply adorable.

"Who won?" I asked.

It kind of slipped my mind earlier and justed popped up again.

"You and winning..." My girlfriend mutters.

"Babe, I'm the litteral embodiment of victory, why are you surprised?"

I know she was joking, I just like going with it. Athena shakes her head.

"Neither. This little bundle of energy outlasted both our bets." She said.

"Now what?"

Couldn't Alexia just prove me right? I really would've liked a that little something 'extra' tonight.

"We both lost didn't we? Loser treats the other. Guess we both get what we wanted." Athena smirked.

I tell you this woman is both downright crazy and an absolute genius and I love it. I feel my lips match her smirk.

"I like the way you think." I said, stealing a kiss.

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