#67 * Siblings

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"Mommy?" Little Alexia asked.

"Yes honey?" Nike replied.

They were having a bit of family time today. The three of them just staying at home. No working moms, no daughter with school assignments.

They were all sitting or laying on the couch. Athena was sitting with a book in her hand and her wife's head in her lap. The hand that wasn't occupied holding the book, stroked through Nike's long golden locks.

Nike was laying on the couch with her daughter laying on top of her. They were watching some TV when Alexia posed her question.

"Why don't I have any brothers or sisters?"

Both goddesses tilted. Athena's eyes froze in place, no longer able to continue reading. Nike's breathing caught in her chest. The images of the screen kept playing, but she no longer saw them.

"Urm... Why would you ask that?" Nike asked, feeling nervous for some reason.

It's not like she didn't want to. She'd asked Athena's opinion on a second child before. The wisdom goddess had dodged the matter each time, saying that for now she was perfectly happy with just the tree of them.

Of course Nike was too, but she sure wouldn't mind another kid. It also seemed kind of weird Athena had never told her her own opinion.

"Oh, am I not allowed to ask?" Alexia wondered, confused at her moms' reactions.

"Of course you are. We're just wondering why you're asking us now." Athena said, placing her book to the side.

"Well most of the kids in my class all have brothers and sisters and I was just wondering why I don't." The 6 year old stated.

Nike looked up to Athena for support. What on earth were they supposed to tell her? Her wife seemed as confused as she was, so she decided to take the lead.

"Mom and I haven't really talked about it."

"Oh... I get it." Alexia said, almost sounding defeated.

Athena and Nike shared another look.

"Would you want a sibling?" The wisdom goddess asked.

Her stomach churned at the thought. First of all she had had experiences with her siblings no one would like to have. Second, what if Nike wanted an actual baby? Athena and baby's did not go well together. What was she supposed to do with them?

"Could I have one if I asked?" The girl questioned.

"Alexia, siblings aren't things darling. You can't just get rid of them later if you don't like having them around anymore." Athena stated.

"Sadly." She added underneath her breath.

Nike stomped her wife.

'Olympians.' She thought, rolling her eyes.

"Your mom is right though. If you want a sibling we want you to be sure." The angel said.

"But I am sure." Alexia pouted.

"Mhm, right, try again next week. If you still want a sibling then I'm willing to think about it." Athena said.

"Really?" Both Nike and Alexia asked at the same time.

"Yes really." The wisdom goddess said, with a small smile.

Her daughter would probably forget by then anyway.

Later that night, when Alexia was put to bed and both goddesses were getting ready for bed themselves, the conversation was brought back up.

"Did you really mean what you said to Alexia?" Nike asked.

"Which thing? The part where I told her about the slug monster that spewed out rainbow slime or the part where I told her that if she made too much noise tonight Hades would crack open the ground and take her to the underworld?" Athena questioned.

"None of those." Nike chuckled.

"The thing you said about the sibling." The angel clarified.

"Oh that. Yes I did, but it's not like she'll remember that by next week." the daughter of Zeus shrugged.

She pulled the covers back and lowered herself onto the bed, watching her wife as she got ready.

"You really think that?" The victory goddess asked, letting the remainder of her clothes fall to the ground.

"Pretty certain."

Athena's eyes scanned Nike's body. She looked simply divine.

"Don't you want another child?" Nike asked, well aware of her wife's gaze on her body.

She liked it. It made her feel loved and desired.

"Why? Were happy now are-"

"Stop there." The daughter of Styx stated.

Athena raised a brow, but stayed quiet.

"Don't give me that we're happy crap. Of course we are. But why are you avoiding me whenever I ask your opinion on a second child?"

The angel got into bed next to her wife and snuggled into her chest. Her head resting on her shoulder. Dangerously close to her neck.

Nike felt Athena sigh.

"I'm not avoiding you."

"Bullshit and we both know that." The angel said bluntly.

"Look it's just. I don't know how I'd be able to handle a second kid okay? I don't want to ruin what we have right now by bringing a baby into the picture." Athena said.

She made a face. Even the word baby felt strange in her mouth. The wisdom goddess was glad her wife couldn't see said face in this current position.

"Oh so that's what this is about?" Nike asked.

She knew?!

"Oh please, don't act so shocked. I know you Athena. I know you and children don't tend to mix. I was even surprised you and Alexia fit so well. But who ever said anything about a baby love?" Her wife asked, a light chuckle to her words.

"I just assumed that-"

"You think too much. Giving Alexia the gift of a sibling doesn't mean having a baby. It could also be a kid that's older. I'm fine with either. I just think Alexia feels a bit lonely sometimes and she could really do with a playmate. I for one loved it when Bia was born. I was no longer alone. Imagine what you'd do without your siblings?" Nike said.

"Live a peaceful life without a bunch of very easily avoided drama?" Athena asked.

"Yes, but what would you do without Hephaestus who takes care of your weapons and armor? Or without Artemis who you have so much fun sparring with? Or without a rival like Ares? Or even Dionysus who has no problem making the people you don't like insane at your request?"

"Stop being so right." Athena said, rolling them over so she was on top.

She kissed her wife deeply.

"Mhm, before we get into this. Please, did you mean what you said to Alexia?"

"Yes, I did. If she remembers I'm willing to talk about it with you, but for now I'm only interested in something else." Athena smirked.

In the moment Athena had said it to get the conversation over with, but she had meant what she said.

You can already guess that this one very important thing stayed in Alexia's mind and that a week later the little girl was negotiating with her mothers on how they were going to do this.

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