#65 * Pets (part 2)

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Idea by dargonVVer2

This is a spinn off for #63. You might want to go re-read if you don't remember all that well. Also be warned that this short does contain some swearing so if you don't like it, perhaps scroll on to the next one.

- Athena


Alexias's pov:

I was running through the woods with aunt Artemis and her huntresses. To my right a shimmer of light caught my attention.

I stopped, making Eliza run straight into me.

"Dude, what the-" She started saying, but I sushed her.

"Did you see that?" I asked.

"See what?" Eliza questioned.

"There was this shimmer." I said, walking in the general direction of what I thought I saw.

Eliza cast a look over her shoulder. The others had kept running and were getting further and further away from us.

"Maybe we should go and try to catch up with the others? Alexia, there's nothing here." She stated, worry sounding through in her voice.

Somehow I felt like I had to investigate the flash. I couldn't explain it, I just had to see what it was.

"You go back then. Tell Artemis where I am. But I'm going to see what the hell that was. I know what I saw."

Eliza grabbed my wrist.

"Now is not the time to prove you're a daughter of Athena and Nike you asshole." She hissed.

Eliza had been my best friend ever since aunt Artemis took me along for my first hunting trip 7 years ago. I was eight back then.

"It'll be fine Liza. What could possibly go wrong?" I shrugged, freeing my wrist.

"Have your mothers never told you that's the worst thing you could ever possibly say?" She raised a brow, crossing her arms over her chest.

Obviously she was correct. I chose to ignore it and continued forward, through the bushes and branches covering the path ahead.

"I fucking hate you." Eliza muttered behind me, but her footsteps followed.

The path wasn't long. Only a couple of feet really. It lead to a clearing with a bunch of old circus karts. Some were broken, others lost their color. Some had tipped over and some were even beyond recognition.

"Woah..." I heard Eliza breathe behind me.

I wandered between the karts, looking inside and underneath.

"How do you think this got here?" I wondered, stepping through the broken bars of a steel cage, inside one of the karts.

"I don't know, mortals are weird." Eliza responded.

"Thanks." I muttered.

"I didn't mean you, dipshit." My best friend smirked, giving my shoulder a playful push.

"Besides, you don't count. If you're raised by Athena and Nike you're at least a demigod."

I shook my head and smiled at her attempt to cheer me up. I'll admit, it worked... Just a little.

Suddenly I heard a snap behind me.

"Did you hear that?" I asked.

"Hear what?" Eliza asked in return, reaching for an arrow from her quiver, her bow ready in her hand.

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