#68 * Heda

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Suggested by SunsetMahi

This is an AU based on 'The 100'. If you don't know what that is this one might be a little harder to understand, so I suggest you scroll along and go enjoy the next chapter.

- Athena


Athena's POV:

"We're running low on supplies. Some of us are going to have to go out and go hunt for fresh meat and greens."  My mom said, slamming a huge piece of deer on the table.

She started cutting it up into smaller portions for our dinner tonight.

"I'll go with Artemis and Callisto." I replied.

"I'm afraid, that's not going to happen." Mom stated.

"Callisto is currently too ill to get out of bed and you know Artemis won't leave her side if she can help it."

"Right. I'll ask someone else then." 

Truth is I wouldn't. I very much knew Callisto was ill and that Artemis wasn't going anywhere. I just needed my mom to not worry and to think I woudn't go into the woods alone.

'What if one of those Trikru people catch you and cut you up? Or what if you get stuck in one of their traps?' Her voice repeated in my mind.

"Thank you." My actual mom said as I left.

Dear mother, if only you knew..

Let's just say it wouldn't be the trikru that would have my head.

I past by my room and grabbed my bow from the corner where I stashed it away. I made sure I had enough arrows in my quiver and left the camp.

As soon as I was out of the gate that lead to our camp I started running. I ran until the camp was far out of sight and I was alone with the sounds of the forrest.

I slowed down to a walk and caught my breath. I went to check some traps we had set up but most of them were empty. One of them did have a rabbit in it, so I tied a bit of rope around it's paws so I could easily carry it back.

With the rabbit in my hand I continued down the path that I knew would lead to the river. That's where the deer went to drink. Perhaps I would be lucky and there would be a few easy targets.

"Artemis, you would be proud." I muttered to myself with a grin.

Suddenly I stopped. The trees above me rustled.

'They're trees, they do that. You know wind and stuff.' The voice in the back of my mind said.

True, but there wasn't that much wind. Not enough to make the treetops move. 

"Alright, you can come out now." I started grinning, realizing what was going on.

Right in front of me a person dropped down on the ground.

"So Heda finally decides to grace me with her precense?" I asked, faking my sarcasm and pushing away the need to fly arround the commander's neck.

"Auwch. I know I missed our usual meeting last week, but Heda really? At least call me Nike." She smirked, knowing I wasn't serious.

"Shut up." I muttered.

I was no longer able to surpress my need to hold Nike. I grabbed onto her clothes and pulled her close enough for the tips of our noses to touch.

"You don't know how to finish anything do you?" She muttered, a mischievous smirk playing around her lips.

Not a moment later Nike leaned in enough to lock our lips together in a kiss.

Athena x NikeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora