#75 * Bribe The Pet

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Concept idea by FireAlphaWolf, written by me


Nike was strolling through the halls of Olympus. She was in a cheery mood and was practically skipping as she made her way to Athena's wing of the huge temple.

The angel had just done her daily tasks as charioteer and figured it would be nice to surprise her girfriend with a visit. She smiled at the thought alone. She could imagine Athena's surpise at seeing her finished this early.

Usually her girlfriend was the one dragging her out of the anemoi's stables. Could you blame Nike for lingering though? They we're such interesting creatures. Gods, yet at the same time, horses created out of wind.

The daughter of Styx had no trouble imagining herself up in her chariot again, high in the sky, the wind ruffleling her hair and the feathers of her snow white wings.

A moment later the angel reached the doorway to Athena's personal library and rested her hand on the doorknob. She took a breath to calm her overflowing excitement and opened the door.

To Nike's surprise the wisdom goddess wasn't there. Books with book marks and notepads next to them still layed open on her desk, but the daughter of Zeus was nowhere to be found. Even her cup of nectar was left behind.

'Weird.' Nike thought, as she frowned.

As she contemplated on where her girlfriend would be, the angel walked over to her desk. Perhaps the books Athena had been reading would shine a light on her current location.

The books were a mess to say the least. Some were poetry, some were on battles long past and others contained some of the wisdom goddess' memories.

Nike picked up the book with memories. It seemed like a movie was playing across the pages, all from Athena's point of view. Each page seemed to be a day and one book seemed to be a year.

Athena had told her once she made a back-up of all her memories, because even the memory of gods was flawed and she would rather not forget anything.

Her personal library was where she stored all of them. She never said she kept them in books, but then again the victory goddess should've probably guessed it would've become books.

As she flipped through the book Nike noticed this was a book from millenia ago. One of the pages played the memory of them meeting each other for the first time. 

The daughter of Styx smiled at the memory. She saw past Athena walk up to the massive wooden doors of the throne room and push them open with an angry grunt. Then she stopped, standing face to face with Nike.

'Out of my way.' She could remember Athena's voice rage.

'Anything I can help with?' Past Nike questioned, seemingly unfazed.

'Unless you can hand me a victory on a golden platter, not really.' Past Athena scoffed in return.

The victory goddess' only response was a wicked grin.

Satisfied the daughter of Styx closed the book. No need to intrude into her girlfriend's memories any more than she already had. 

But that did clear some things up. She couldn't find the connections between any of these books, but it looked intricate and deep, meaning Athena probably lost track of what she was doing. 

That lead Nike to assume the wisdom goddess needed a break from the letters and the thoughts. If the angel had been busy she would've chosen for the next best distraction, better known as her feathered friends.

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