#56 * Down By The River

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Based on 'The river' by Bruce Springsteen.

Quick note: This is an AU where both Athena and Nike are mortal. Also this short contains strong language.

- Athena

Nike stood on the porch. She was waiting for Athena to get back. She went into town for some last minute supplies for their trip.

Athena had promised her they'd take the horses and make a long trip, following the river down the stream, just to see where it lead. They'd live of the land that would surround them.

It would just be her and Athena. Far away from the town that resented them. Far away from the people that would rather see them dead.

Nike heard the sound of galloping. Was it Athena? She looked up and saw her girlfriend urging her horse home.

Athena made her horse stop in front of the porch, but she didn't get off.

"Nike get the bags, now!" The woman urged her.

"What why-" Nike started, but she was cut off.


Nike rushed inside and got Athena's bags. She rushed back to the porch. Athena had her eyes trained on the yard, as if she was expecting someone to walk down to the house. Nike noticed her girlfriend's horse was rather jumpy and nervous too.

Soon enough Nike had her own bags on the porch as well.

"Is your horse ready?" Athena asked.

"No, I figured I'd do it right before we leave." Nike replied.

Athena cursed.

"Then take only what is really necessary and hop on. We have to get out of here as soon as possible." She grumbled.


"Please darling, just do as I say. I'll explain when we're on our way. We just have to go, now!" Athena practically pleaded.

Now that's when the alarms went off in Nike's head. Her girlfriend would never be this desperate if something wasn't seriously wrong. So Nike started doing as Athena had asked of her.

Soon enough she sat in front of her girlfriend on the horse. Just then she heard a lot of footsteps, barking dogs, horses snorting and people shouting.

"There are the witches!" A man with a torch shouted.

"Get them!" A woman at his side yelled.

Before Nike could comprehend what was happening, Athena steered their horse straight into the people. At the dead last moment she pulled the reins to the right and passed all the people that were cursing their names.

"So what happened in town?" Nike asked.

She was pretty certain she didn't want to know the answer. But if her girlfriend reacted like this it might not be a bad thing that she knew what was going on.

"Let's say they found out I don't have a dick." Athena said.

"Ah, they want us dead now?"

"They want us dead indeed."

Suddenly a shot sounded and the next moment something stung Nike's ear. Immediatly she placed her hand on her ear. She felt a liquid. When she retrieved it there was a bit of crimson red on her fingers.

"Motherfucker, they have guns." Nike said.

Athena glanced at her girlfriend. She saw the thin line of blood on her ear. Thank god they missed.

"And they're a good shot too." she muttered.

More shots were fired, but somehow they managed to avoid them all. At least that's what they thought. One more shot was fired and the horse screamed it out. It stumbled, taking both women down to the ground with it.

Athena wrapped her arms around Nike, right before hitting the ground. She grunted in pain as the impact fully hit her right shoulder. They rolled forward through the grass.

"A hit! It was a hit!" A male voice yelled.

"Burn the witches!" A woman added.

"God will send them to hell!"


Nike got up, but noticed Athena stayed down. There was no time to stay where they were. They would die.

"Come on darling. Get up." Nike urged, helping her girlfriend up.

"Can you run?" She added.

"Yeah, I'm good." Athena responded, holding her right arm.

"Come on. Into the woods, it'll be harder for them to follow us."

Nike nodded. Both of them started running, leaving all else behind. In this moment it didn't matter. They ran between the trees, creating their own path. The shots behind them still firing, the light of torches in the night haunting them.

Soon enough they made it to the cliff. The cliff that dropped into the river below. The cliff that symbolized the end of their physical path.

"Now what?" Nike asked.

Athena thought. She had to admit it was quite hard with all the noice in the background and all the pressure.

"Athena?!" Nike urged.

There was only one way out Athena realised.

"Do you trust me?" She asked her girlfriend.

"Yes of course I tru-"

"Nike do you trust me?!" Athena asked again.

She wanted the weight behind her words to be clear. Nike did in fact realize what it meant.

'Would you die for me?'

The dogs barked and the horses neighed. The shouting of people got closer.

"Yes." Nike replied once more, this time her expression more grim.

Just then the other people reached the cliff.

"There they are!" The priest screeched.

"No where left to run. I bet God made sure of that."

Athena pushed Nike behind her. Her arm was about to kill her.

"If anything, God showed us how untrustworthy other humans are." Athena said.

"How dare you let His name role of your tongue!" The priest replied.

"Shoot them! Shoot them now!" He added.

The men lined up and loaded their guns.

"See you in Hades chaps." Athena smirked.

Just as the men took their shot, she twisted around and Pushed Nike off the cliff, she herself following right behind.

She'd rather fall to her death on the rocks in the river than give one of these men the satisfaction of shooting her.

As they fell she wrapped Nike in her arms.

"Don't be afraid. I got you." Athena said in her ear.

"I'm never afraid when you're with me." Nike said in return.


I know, I know, I missed two chapters. Trust me I'm writing them, but this one was finished already and the others not quite yet. Since I'm quite busy prepping fot race day, you'll kinda have to work with this one. Enjoy kiddos and don't worry, I'll fill in the others.

- Athena

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