#5 * Dark Dreams

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Nike layed in bed. She was turned on her left side facing Athena.

The wisdom goddess had a protective arm wrapped around her girlfriend.

Nike smiled when Athena held her a bit tighter and her face scrunched up a little. The goddess of victory assumed the woman in front of her was dreaming.

She seemed to have those a lot lately. Ever since her fight with Alecto a while ago Athena didn't seem to be able to sleep well.

The angel stroked a stray hair out of her lovers face. The calm face she had when she fell asleep was replaced with one that was in pain.

Nike concidered waking up the daughter of Zeus. Whatever she was dreaming couldn't be good.

However before she could do anything Athena started moving. She rotated to her back letting go of the angel.

Sweat started beading on Athena's forhead as she cleched to covers. She seemed to be struggling against something.

Nike touched her girlfriend's shoulder.

"No... No don't you dare touch her!" Athena screamed out.

She didn't wake up and the victory goddess was really starting to worry now.

"Baby? Wake up please." Nike half whispered and softly shoved Athena.

Still the wisdom goddess didn't wake.

"Athena, please." The angel said.

Just as she touched the arm of the daughter of Zeus, she bolted straight up right.

Athena's breathing was heavy. As if she'd just ran around the world. She was sweating and her eyes were looking around frantically. Everything about her screamed panic.

Nike put a hand on her shoulder. Alarmed the wisdom goddess twisted her head towards her.

"Baby, it's okay it's just me." The victory goddess said in a quiet voice.

That seemed to calm Athena. She let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding.

The wisdom goddess let her girlfriend push her back into their bed.

Nike put her head on Athena's shoulder and let her fingers trace the abs of the daughter of Zeus. Athena wrapped her arm around her angel and pulled her a bit closer towards her.

Altough her breath was still shakey she started calming down.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Nike asked.

No response.

The angel lifted her head to look at her lover. Athena looked right back at her.

"Y-yes..." She spoke in a shakey voice.

Nike just put her head back on Athena's shoulder, offering her silent support.

"I-... I-..."

Athena seemed to have forgotten how she had to form words. She wanted to speak them, but somehow they were stuck in her troath.

"Baby, take a deep breath." Nike said.

The wisdom goddess did as told.



"Now try again." The angel continued.

"I dreamed of my time in Tartarus."

Athena's voice was barely above a whisper.

Nike had never her sound so vulnerable before. It seemed as if the smallest gust of wind would make her snap like a twig.

"What happened in your dream?"

The angel was almost afraid to ask. But she knew that in order to help her girlfriend she needed to know what bothered her.

"Everything I went through. But it happened to you. And there was nothing I could do about it." The daughter of Zeus replied.

Nike raised her head once again. What did she just say?!

At the movement of her hand the light on the nightstand flicked on.

The victory goddess was horrified by what she saw. An Athena she had never seen before. Not truly at least. The Athena that was afraid and vulnerable with tears staining her face.

Something dawned on Nike as she pulled the wisdom goddess in a hug.

No matter the amount of amor her girlfriend would wear she would always be vulnerable. No matter how smart she is, fate would always one step ahead. And they like to rub it in too.

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