#44 * Matching Onesies

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"Pleassee momma. You'll look super cute I just know it." Seven year old Alexia pleaded.

"Cute doesn't go with my usual serious attire darling." Athena responded, ruffling her hair.

"But... Pleassseeee." The little girl continued.

"She has a point you know. You would look adorable." Nike chuckled.

"Did you not hear what I just told our daughter?" The wisdom goddess asked.

"Oh I heard you. I just think it's a load of crap and you should just do it." The angel responded with a smirk.

"No I will not thank you." The daughter of Zeus stated.

"Why not? Are you scared?"

"Of a fluffy yellow onesie? Not yet. But keep going and it'll haunt my dreams tonight."

"You'd make a great pickachu though." Alexia stated.

"You know, electricity isn't my thing. Maybe you should go ask grandfather if he wants to wear it." Athena said.

"Clever momma, but it has to be you. You said you'd watch Pokémon with us, not grandfather." The little girl smirked.

"I agreed to watching it. I did not agree to wearing a pickachu onesie."

"It's part of the tradition. When I and mommy watch she has on her squirtle onsie and I wear my charmander onesie. If you're going to do this, you have to be pickachu."

Athena raised a brow.

"There is no way out honey, so I suggest you get dressed." Nike said, handing her girlfriend the fluffy, yellow onesie.

"You owe me tonight." Athena grumbled, taking the thing and heading towards the bedroom to change.

"Wouldn't have it any other way." The angel yelled after her.

After a few minutes the goddess re-emerged with a pickachu onesie on and a deep golden blush on her cheeks.

"Momma, crouch down will you?" Alexia asked, after walking up to her mother.

Athena did as asked of her and crouched, but not without raising her brow in question. The little girl reached for her mom's hood and pulled it over her head.

"There. Now it's complete." The little girl, stated with a smile.

Athena's eye roll got lost under the hood, but Nike knew it was there. She needed to remind her daughter to charm her mother more often into a onesie because it was simply adorable.

"Okay so now I'm yellow and fluffy, but why aren't you two dressed for the occasion?" The daughter of Zeus asked.

"She has a fair point Alexia. I think we should go get ready ourselves." Nike responded.

Without any onther words the seven year old blasted of into the direction of her room. A moment later her head peaked back out.

"Momma, will you help me with the buttons?" She asked sheepishly.

The wisdom goddess couldn't resist a chuckle and walked over to the little girl.

Inside Alexia's room it seemed like a toy bomb had exploded. The shelves where the toys usually stood were empty. Instead those same toys littered the floor and her bed.

Athena had to make sure she didn't trip or step onto anything. When she did finally make it to the girls bed she sat down, waiting for the girl to retrieve her onesie. Soon enough the girl hopped over the toys and handed the fluffy thing to her mother.

"Darling, I think you'll have to clean up your room again some time soon." The wisdom goddess stated.

"Yeah, maybe." The girl responded.

"Maybe?" Her mother asked, raising a brow.

"But... Can't you do it? Or mommy? With your goddess power thingy?" Alexia said, swooshing her arms around.

Athena chuckled.

"Stand still. I can't dress you if you keep moving."

"And as for the cleaning. That's something you'll have to do yourself. If you decide to throw your toys all over the room that's fine, but that also means your the one that puts them back where they belong." The goddess responded.

"But it would be sooo much easier and faster if you or mommy did it." The seven year old dragged.

"No, we will not raise our daughter to count on our magic every chance she gets. There are things you have to do yourself. Like cleaning your room."


"No buts Alexia. Remember, do what is hard and life will be easy. Do what is easy and life will be hard." Athena stated.

The girl sighed and nodded.

"Now cheer up. Let's go watch some Pokémon." She added, winking as she finished up the buttons on her daughter's onesie.

Alexia's frown immediately made room for a bright smile. As soon as they found their way through the labyrinth of toys they joined Nike, who was waiting on the couch in a squirtle onesie.

"There is my charmander." She said, pulling Alexia into her lap and tickling her.

Athena x Nikeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن