#12 * Still Waters Run Deep

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Nike and Athena ran through the hallways of Olympus. Their laughter was heard throughout the halls of the entire palace.

They had been caught by Hera who had accidentally walked in on the two of them making out in the throneroom.

Finally the two goddesses made it into Nike's room. As soon as the door closed, Athena pushed her girlfriend up against it. Nike hadn't expected this sudden burst of lust from the wisdom goddess, but you wouldn't hear her complain.

The daughter of Zeus laced her lips with the angel's. The sweet taste kept making her come back for more.

"Do you think she'll tell the others?" Nike asked when she pulled away.

"Does that matter?" Athena retorted.

"No. But do you think she will?" The victory goddess giggled.

"Of course. She's Hera." The wisdom goddess said in between the kisses she trailed along Nike's jaw.

Nike couldn't resist a laugh. The angel let out a yelp when her lover picked her up out of nowhere.

"What has gotten into you? Has Eros struck you with one of his arrows?" Nike giggled at Athena's unusual behavior.

"Not that I'm aware of. But I suppose if you're not in the mood I could always put you down." The latter replied.

"Now hold your horses. I never said I wasn't in the mood." The victory goddess smirked.

"Good, cause you've been making my head go crazy all day long."

"Just your head?" Nike teased.

"I'm not answering that." The grey eyed goddess said with a smirk.

"Wise." The angel whispered against her lover's lips.

"I mean it is my job but..." Athena muttered.

She trailed off. She was distracted by how close Nike's lips were to her own. The next moment the victory goddess captured her lips and pulled her closer to her.

Somehow the wisdom goddess managed to get them to Nike's bed. Slowly and carefully she placed the angel down. As if she was made out of porcelain and the most valuable thing she owned.

The latter was probably true. There was no one like Nike. No one that understood her on the level the victory goddess did.

She understood the side of Athena that could spend hours in a library and never get bored. But she also understood the side that could spend hours in the arena training, without getting tired.

Most people chose the Athena that fitted best with the person they were themselves. But Nike didn't choose. She took all the diffrent Athena's and brought them together.

With her she was whole. With her she was one.

Nike looked up towards a staring Athena. Those steel grey eyes that looked down with pure love and appreciation.

The angel loved moments like these more than anything else. Even more so because they were incredibly rare.

Athena was often to shy or busy to push her up against a wall or make our with her in spaces other gods might bump into them.

She loved the moments where the wisdom goddess would be a little bolder and go further than just a few stolen glances and kisses.

In those moments the victory goddess would feel the true strength of Athena. A lot of people underestimated her because she was a woman and most of the things she does are things men do.

But truth be told, once they see her in action no one ever dares to repeat that thought. She was intimidating to most, but not to Nike.

That raw power the daughter of Zeus had gave her the feeling she could conquer anything. And those strong arms wrapped around her? It felt so safe and warm. She'd never want to be anywhere else.

Athena leaned down and kissed Nike again. Deep and passionate was the only way to describe it really. Then she moved on along the angel's jaw and neck.

The victory goddess felt a moan build up in the back of her throat. She didn't even bother to stop it and let it out.

She felt the wisdom goddess smirk against her neck. Athena knew very well that kisses in the angel's neck were her weakness.

She moved along the collarbone and slowly slid Nike's dress over her shoulder, creating new opportunities for herself to explore Nike's body.

The latter felt chills over her entire body as Athena's breath tickled in the crook of her neck.

"Stop teasing." The angel almost pleaded.

"Most definitly not." Athena replied in a deeper voice then usual.

"You've been teasing me non stop all day. Now it's your turn."

Again that smirk.

What was that saying? Still waters run deep? Something like that? Well it was definitly true when it came to Athena.

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