#83 * Calculated victory

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Athena's POV:

I was sitting on the couch reading and taking notes of new insights I gained through reading. While I was doing that I looked up to see Nike at the living room table, documents spread all over it. Numbers of troops, reports from previous battles and strategies I had provided her with earlier this week, as well as those handed in by Ares.

The latest war demanding me and my brother's attention meant my wife had the job to decide who would be winning.

I saw Nike bending over the papers in her hands and on the table. She let the ones in her right hand go, reaching for her notebook. Her hand patted the spaces on the table near her, seemingly looking for something to write with.

Then Nike halted for a moment. At that moment I knew exactly what was going through her head. A smile formed on my lips. It was one of those little habits of hers that I absolutely loved.

My wife reached for the back of her head, pulling a pencil out of the half updo she had created to keep her hair from her face. She wrote a few things down and put it right back where she found it.

I couldn't resist the chuckle that escaped my mouth. She looked simply adorable.

"Something funny?" Nike asked, not even bothering to look up.

"Nothing at all darling." I smiled amused, smothering the urge to laugh.

I closed my book. I knew very well I wouldn't be reading anymore. My wife would have every single bit of my attention. Even if she didn't allow me to come near her now. She argues that I might distract her and make her biased if I come too close to her when she's calculating the victories.

"Sure love."

I feel the eye roll and the smile that undoubtedly accompanied the motion. As she went back to work I kept staring. I don't know what it was but something about her, at that specific time and place, made it impossible to tear my eyes off of her.

"Idiot." I heard my wife mutter.

The evening sun shone onto her blonde hair, making it look golden. I grinned at the irony of the metaphor I had just thought of. She was a victory goddess, of course her hair would be golden in the sunlight.

"Excuse you?" I questioned, registering what she had just said.

"I said Idiot."

"Excuse you?" I repeated.

My wife turned around, her eyes piercing mine over the edge of the glasses that were sitting half way up her nose.


I swallowed hard, feeling the heat rush to my cheeks.

"That's what I thought." Nike winked.

She pushed her glasses back up her nose.

"Love ya."

Without anything else she just turned around again, returning to her work. I sat there, not knowing what on earth had just happened. In approximately 0.2 seconds she had managed to crack me. She didn't even have to come over here or get up.

Rather short I know, but I'm quite busy this summer. Between work, preparing summer camps and family stuff I find I have less time to write then I had throughout the actual school year. Either way I hope you'll forgive me for the slow updates, I'm doing my best to keep up with them, but I only have so much time. I'll see you all soon!

- Athena

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