#49 * Matching Tattoos

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Athena walked into the living room, watching as Nike was occupied with reading a book to little Alexia. The little girl was slowly dozing off so the wisdom goddess gave the pair some time.

When she was done reading the angel noticed her daughter had fallen asleep in her lap. Nike smiled. Moments like these reminded her what it was to truly be alive in her long immortal lifetime. She wouldn't trade it for the world.

As silently as she could, Athena joined the two of them. She sat down next to Nike, who immediately leaned into her shoulder. For a moment they enjoyed their silence and the adorable sight of their daughter.

"What's going on in your head darling." Nike asked quietly, noticing her girlfriends serious look straight ahead.

"Nothing. It's just that-" Athena started, but she stopped herself.

Part of Nike got a little worried. Was something wrong?

"Darling?" The angel asked.

Athena sighed.

"I've been thinking right?" She said.

Nike couldn't help a light chuckle.

"That's new." She replied sarcastically.

Athena gave her a look from the corner of her eye and smiled. Sometimes the victory goddess could be such an idiot.

"You're hilarious." The wisdom goddess stated.

"Right." The angel said in a sassy voice.

"Anyway-" Athena rolled her eyes.

"-I was thinking I want something that can always remind me of you. Even when you're not there." She said.

"Like what?" Nike asked.

She was quite curious. She had no clue what her girlfriend could possibly want.

"Like something that will be with me as long as you will be." Athena smirked.

"Nothing lives forever darling." The angel said, kissing her cheek.

"I guess, but I do seem to remember that tattoos are pretty permanent." The wisdom goddess said.

It took her everything she had not to look at the victory goddess. Nike however did everything she could to see Athena's eyes, wanting to make sure she was serious or not.

"So what are you saying? That you want a tattoo? Of me?" The angel asked, half smirking.

"I did not say of you. I said, something representing you." Athena corrected her, finally allowing herself to look at the angel.

"Oh really?" The daughter of Styx asked, raising a brow.

"We could -I don't know- match?" The wisdom goddess continued.

"You've already thought this through haven't you?" Nike asked.

Athena simply nodded.

"What would you get then?"

"I was thinking a laurel."

"Mhm right and if we were to match what should I get?"

Nike smiled smugly. The more she asked, the more it seemed like Athena had been toying with this idea for quite a while. The angel had to admit, she quite liked the idea. Because even though their jobs were intertwined most of the time, there were also enough occasions where they clashed. It might not be so bad to have a reminder that they did in fact love each other.

"Something representing me, I don't know what you want that to be." The wisdom goddess responded.

The angel gave it some thought. What would she want to represent Athena? A thought occurred in her head. It was quite perfect really.

"Maybe an owl? That carries a war helmet?" The daughter of Styx suggested.

Athena couldn't help but smirk. She loved the idea to be honest. She nodded approvingly.

"Where would you put such a precious laurel though?" Nike asked.

"Somewhere only you and I would be able to spot it easily. The rest would have to search for it."

A couple spots occurred in the angels mind, but she doubted that they were what her girlfriend meant. She was a little too prude for that.

"I was thinking either behind my ear, my lower arm on the inside or my ribs." Athena said.

"How is your lower arm a place people won't see it?" Nike questioned.

It seemed like an obvious place for a tattoo.

"Wrist guards when I'm in public remember." The daughter of Zeus smirked.

Right, how could the angel forget.

"So what do you say?" Athena asked.

"I say let's do it." Nike responded.

The exited glint in her girlfriend's eye was all the victory goddess needed to know this would genuinely make her lover happy.

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