FATHER'S Little Princess

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Marcus POV.

She was just a little girl. Now she is about to get married. I sighed thinking how quickly time flies. But I am sure wherever my load of happiness my little y/n will go, she will spread happiness everywhere. Oh how I clearly remember that day.


Me, and the rest of the Volturi were returning from the Cullens hybrid interrogation. We arrived at the jet. As we will go back in Volterra. Just when I was about to step my feet on the stairs, Suddenly I heard an infant's cry. I turned behind reverting my steps. I followed the direction of the crying voice. I saw a little human child in a basket left abandoned. I picked the infant up. I could understand that she was no more than 6 days. I rocked my strong arms minding my strength cradling her slowly to calm her down. After 3 minutes I saw a beautiful toothless smile. I felt relief for the first time after my mate's death. I think my precious Didyme sent a little angel for me. I embraced the little angel in my chest gently. I felt all the pain from my chest disappeared. My eyes were locked at the little creation's innocent eyes. "You are from now Y/N Volturi the daughter of Marcus Volturi" I said as I kissed her forehead.

"Brother the child is a human" Aro said knowing that it may cause a danger to our kind.

"Brother we will turn her when she will be of age. But please don't separate me from my little princess" I said just trembling at the fear of the thought that my princess is just as precious as my Didyme.

"Hmm Because you are insisting Brother. But a human child being raised in the castle of Vampires?" Aro hesitated.

"I will take care of my little princess from now" I said looking at her calming little smiling face.

From that day I understood that Love can never die. I understood how much I wanted love. My little princess means so much to me. One-day as usual when she was 5 years old. I was observing my daughter's books and copies as she was homeschooled.

Alec was standing near at the door smiling at y/n beautifully staring at her lovingly. Just the moment I realized that they are mates! I was so happy that An eligible man like Alec is her mate.

This news was spread widely in the entire Volturi. Jane was really happy for her brother, That he finally found a reason to live.

After she reached 15. She began to have conversations with Alec. They both fell for each other.

Oh how I found it so adorable! When Y/n was only 10 months. She said 'dada'. I found my life to be meaningful that very day. That I am a father now.

How she used to hold my cold hands with her little small fingers and believing on me. That I will never let go her hand. That's how she learned to walk. How I used to boost her confidence by! One complain that we all fathers keep this inside our heart.

End of flashbacks

Oh my Lord

We all fathers hold a complain against you.
Our daughters are the part of our heart.
But why do our daughters grow up so fast?
What an honor to be the father of a daughter!
Our knees might hurt while giving them a horse ride but we always become one for them.
Because our daughters are our angels.

If tears could fall from my eyes then it would definitely fall by now. She is getting ready afterall it's her big day!

I know she is looking like an angel. Alec has gone through alot. But once Y/n will become an official part of her life. His all pain will vanish. Just the way it happened to me. When I accepted y/n my daughter.

𝐕𝐎𝐋𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈━	𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬 & 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now