First Kiss |Handsome Hunk Guards|

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Felix Volturi

You scrolled down through your social media sitting in your mate Felix's lap. He was holding you lovingly as he was watching your social media with you. You were liking and commenting on the posts. He stared at your laptop like a curious puppy.

Suddenly a picture of a couple kissing each other on lips popped up. He cocked an eyebrow scanning the picture completely with his supernatural vision. As a mischievous smirk curled up his lips.

You looked at your shoulder as you coughed to get his attention.

He looked at you. “Yes, my love?” he asked Innocently.

“UrM wHaT aRe yOu lOoKinG?” you asked stuttering nervously not knowing what is coming up in your way.

“Oh.......” he breathed. As he made you face him pushing a strand of your hair behind your hair. As he pulled you closer by your waist.

You smiled staring at the mischievousness in his eyes, “hmmmm.... I see. You dirty little Giant!” you giggled.

“Little Giant?” he asked cocking an eyebrow.

“Yass” you smirked.

He pulled your head closer to him as you both kissed each other desperately.



Babe!” your boyfriend called out your name from his car. Your entire face lightened up as you saw your boyfriend waiting outside of your office. You thought he won't be able to make it. But he did.


“You know what, my friends!” you sighed.

“Hmm?” Demetri furrowed his eyebrows not understanding what are you trying to say.

“My friends! They think I have an imaginary boyfriend! They don't believe that I have you.” you explained with a worried look.

He chuckled, “Honey. Because they are Jealous. They don't have such a handsome boyfriend like me.”

You rolled your eyes.

“Well, you see. Everyone thinks me to be a lunatic that I keep saying Demetri Demetri. But the fact is that Demetri never appears Infront of my friends. ” you explained.

“They will see your dashing boyfriend tomorrow.” he smirked winked at you.

~End of Flashback~

You ran near to his car. As he climbed out of his range rover black car. He opened his arms for you with a handsome smile. As you jumped on him. Your legs instantly wrapped around him. You threw your arms around his neck. As he held you. You both shared your romantic kiss.

And the suckers. I mean- your friends watched you and your boyfriend in awestruck.

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