The surprise

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idek what this is, I just started writing

Y/n anxoiusly bounced her leg up and down and squirmed in the chair as her stylist quickly added finishing touches to her hair and makeup. Her heart was practically thumping out off her chest, and she kept having to wipe her hands on her jeans to give rid of the profussive amount of sweat on her palms. The stage manager quickly came over to them, informing them that it was almost time for her to go on. Needless to say, she was very nervous.

Y/n was a rookie in the entertainment industry, just having released her debut album two months ago. She'd started off doing Youtube song covers, slowly building up a loyal fanbase from there. After she'd done a few eps the attention she recieved from the media grew and grew. Yet it wasn't until after her first ablum came out that the world all of a sudden had eyes on her.

"Now you may know the next guest from her popular Youtube channel accumlating over 2.5 million subcribers, her cover of Ariana Grande's 'Almost is never enough' reaching a whopping five million likes and ten million views. Everyone please give a warm welcome for the lovely, Ms. Y/n L/n." Ellen announced.

Her nerves immediatly began to wash away as she walked onto the set, the audience screaming and cheering for her causing a smile to spread across her face. This was her first ever interview with a big time interviewer, her being excited but still nervous about what would happen. It'd always been exhilarating for her to do interviews, the interaction being a definite peice of proof that she'd actually made it to where saw was, and that she was in fact not dreaming.

The interview began just like all her other interviews with less known interviewers, Ellen asking how she was doing and then immediately asking about the reason she was there in the first place. Her album. The title of her album was Childhood Memories, the cover being a polariod picture her mom took of her while she was taking a bubble bath when she was one.

"So Y/n, what exactly is the meaning behind your album Childhood Memories?"

"Ummm, it's just about my childhood memories, the experiences I went through as a child and how they shaped me into the adult I was today."

This ablum was truly special to Y/n it mainly being about the traumas she experienced and how she wished she didn't grown up too fast and how she could go back in time to redo her childhood. She loved to talk about it, as well as music, the art being near and dear to her. The message, the sound, the name, the art, all meaning so much to her. She went on to talk about how music is so diverse and objective, meaning different things to different people, causing them to feel a wide range of emotions. Joy, love, sadness, anger, lust, the mood and tone of her songs shifting through every track her feeling something different every time she wrote. She even wrote her answers down and practiced them in front of a mirror instead of usually winging the answers, her words being the most important thing.

"So Y/n, there's been a little video going around the internet that a little birdie told me about, and it apparently had you in it." Ellen mentioned, a sly grin plastered on her face.

"Oh nooooo." Y/n groaned as she threw her manicured hands over her reddened face, her hoping that Ellen would bring it up.

"How 'bout we give it a look?" Ellen laughed at her embarrassment state, the clip rolling on the big screen behind them.

The views on her instagram live were now at 200k, Y/n cooking herself brrskfast while livestreaming. She'd been goofingly dancing and sing around her white kitchen while wearing an oversized grey shirt, shorts, fuzzy socks, and her hair in a high puff bun. She used the wooden spoon she was cooking with as her makeshift microphone, screeching the lyrics into it.

"She's a good girl, such a good girl. She's a good girl, she feels so gooooood." She belted out the lyrics to Harry Styles "Carolina," strumming the imaginary air guitar she had.

Her face heated up, the sound of her own voice, and the sight of her dance moves enough to make her cringe. She hadn't necessarily physically or mentally prepared for Ellen to do this, her past interviews just being about her music. The video soon ended as the crowd laughed at it, them finding it more cute than embarrassing.

"Is it over yet?" She sheepishly asked with her hands still covering her face, her eye peaked out through her finger.

"Yes it is," Ellen laughed, slapping her hand over her knee, "why are you so shy all of a sudden?"

"I don't know it's just kinda embarrassing to watch that video."

"Well I mean it's pretty obvious you're a Harry Styles fan." Ellen commented.

Y/n quickly turned her head around, looking around the whole studio. Her eyes thoroughly scanned the stage, anticipating him to come around a corner, walk through some doors, or pop out of the coffee table.

"Why are you looking around, Y/n?"

"This is the time where the celebrity usually pops out the woodworks to surprise the quest." She explained earning a laugh from Ellen and the crowd.

Ellen shook her head at her, and wagged her finger as she calmed down from laughter. "Well unfortunately we couldn't get Harry in today," she sighed, "something about having to be at the studio."

Y/n's face dropped in slight disappointment, her hoping that her main inspiration, her idol would come out in surprise her. She quickly fixed her face before anyone really took notice of the sudden mood change, her jumping right back to answering questions. "Well to answer your question Ellen, I am a Harry Styles fan."

"What's you favorite song by him?"

"Ummmmm, that's a hard question ti answer," she said, "all of his songs are good but I have to say ultimately my favourite song has to be sweet creature."

Some audience memebers whooped and hollered st the name of the song, it most likely be their favorite as well.

"What would be the one thing you'd say to him if you ever met him in person?"

"I'd just thank him. Thank him for being a main inspiration for my music, and thank him for making his music. It really helped me get through the darker parts of my life. I mean if I'm being honest I'll probaby thank him for simply exsisting."

"Well why don't you say it in person." Harry said, as he quietly stood behind the couch. He'd crept up behind her while Ellen asked her what song of his was her favorite, him silently standing thr and waiting while everyone around her tried not to give away where his 'hiding' spot was.

Y/n screamed as she looked at who stood behind her, immediately pushing herself off the couch to hug Harry, his Gucci cologne smelling like heaven to her. Tears of joy quickly trickled down her eyes, her finally being able to see him in the flesh. After a while of soaking in the momment of her in his warm embrace, she pulled away taking notice of what his was wearing.

He wore and bright, warm yellow sweater paired with dark brown pants, his outfit looking like a banana. Every single ring gleamed in the bright stage lights as he ran his hand through his soft, short chocolate brown hair, the action entrancing every person watching the interview weither on tv or at the studio.

"S'nice to finally meet you." Harry said after they sat down on the infamous white, leather couch.

"You too." Y/n replied as she fiddled with her hands, blush rushing to her face.

Ellen reached down next to her, retrieving the 'never have I ever' game sticks, placing them on her lap. "Now I'd like to play a little game called never have I ever. You guys know how to play it, right?"

This was gonna be interesting.


Hoped you guys enjoyed it


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