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"I wish I were Heather."

That Weekend

Harry had came over during the weekend for a sleepover. We were currently watching a random movie that came on t.v.

"Why'd you leave?" Harry asked turning his focus on me now.


"On Wednesday. Why'd you leave the cafeteria and skip school?"

"Oh ummmm. I was on my period and my cramps got the best of me. Sorry." I lied straight through my teeth.

"Hey it's ok. No need to apologize. I'm not mad, I was just wondering." Harry turned back, watching the movie. After about five minutes Harry broke the silence.

"I'm bored."

"Me too" I agreed. "In all honesty, I'm not even paying attention to the movie anymore."

"Same." Harry paused for a second, thinking of things for us to do to cure our boredom. "Wanna play truth or dare?"

"Sure why not." I said. I turned off the t.v and sat up straight criss cross applesauce sitting across from him.

"Okay you go first. Truth or dare." Harry asked.

"Ummm truth." I answered.

"Who's you crush? You know who mine is yet I still don't know who's yours."

"Ummmm. Noah." I lied. "Yeah Noah."

"Ew why Noah out of all pepple?" Harry cringed.

"Heyyyyy." I playfully smack him on the arm. "Don't make fun of my crush, I like him 'cause he's kinda cute." I lied again.

The actual truth is that I just said the first guy's name that came to my head. There was no way I could actually tell Harry that he was really the one I was crushing on.

"Truth or dare."


"I dare you to eat a spoonful of mustard." I dared

"Ewwwwwww." Harry said. "Fine." He walked downstairs into the kitchen and got a spoon. He walked to the fridge, taking the mustard out of the fridge. He squirted a lot on the whole spoon then ate it.

"There." He said cringing at the nasty, tangy taste. "I did it, now your turn. Truth or Dare."

"Truth." I chose again.

"Pft. Boringggggg. Why do you always chose truth?" Harry inquired. "Anyways... Who was your first kiss with?"

I had froze in place when he asked me that. I had never even had my first kiss. To be honest, I was always a little insecure about since everyone around my age, if they had not already, were starting to lose their virginity.

And here I am, a hopeless romantic, helplessly in love with her best friend, who hasn't even had sex yet, let alone kiss anyone.

"I've never kissed anyone before." I shyly admitted, rubbing my arm looking at the ground afraid to met his gaze.

"Hey." Harry began lifting up my head with his finger, making me stare him in the eyes. "Don't be ashamed, it's completely fine that you haven't had your first kiss yet." Harry reassured. "I know it's not my turn but here's a secret. I've never had my first kiss either."

My eyes flicker up towards his, and that's when I noticed something. Our faces were extremely close together. I felt time slow as Harry inched his face closer to mine, lips touching within a mater of seconds, sparks flying between us two.

𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐒𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 Where stories live. Discover now