The Special Wishes

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Hello everyone! I am back from the break I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. For those of you who are unaware, I used to have a story like this but I couldn't find it. So I'm re-doing it from the very beginning. Much like with mariobroultimate, I was inspired by nintendoscript15 for the adaption of Paper Mario. This will be completely different from his version. Without further ado, Mario and Luigi: The Star Spirit Children!

"Ahem, Today," said the narrator.

"I'm going to tell the story of the Star Spirits and the lost children of the stars."

The book opens itself and turns to a page with the home of the stars, high up in the sky.

"Far, far away, high up in the sky, beyond the clouds. Lives the home of the stars, Star Haven. Inside the sanctum, lives the seven Star Spirits. They went by the names, Eldstar, Mamar, Skolar, Muskular, Misstar, Klevar, and Kalmar. There, they granted the wishes of good hearts of-"

"Will you listen to him?" blurted Muskular, "He's making the story sound like some tragic tale."

"Lighten up, dearie!" Mamar added.

"We'll take the prologue from here, Mr. Narrator," said Eldstar.

"Very well," said the narrator.

"As he said earlier," said Eldstar, "We are the seven Star Spirits. Our job is to grant wishes of the good hearts in our home, Star Haven."

"But our story actually begins long before the one you're about to hear," said Klevar, "Many eons ago."

The Star Spirits began to use their magic to travel back in time.

"If you are aware, we grant the pure-hearted wishes with our prized treasure, the Star Rod," said Skolar, "But it wasn't always this way. Now and then, there will be a selfish wish, and darkness began to spread into the stars."

"But stars ignore those types of wishes," said Kalmar, "But unfortunately, some stars gave in. Which created dark stars."

"But, fortunately, a group of miraculous friends came together called, the Children of the Stars," said Misstar, "Their pure and noble hearts were powerful enough to counteract the evil that could possess the Star Rod." Misstar's positivity then turned to a frown, "But this great act went at a high price."

"The group of friends sacrificed their lives to save us all," she said.

"But as time went by," said Klevar, "There have been wishes that have been similar to the Children of the Stars. Behold!"

"I wish I can meet Mario!" the young goomba in the first wish said, "We can go on an adventure and save Princess Peach and trounce Bowser!"

"Boy, Kolorado is such an awesome koopa," said a young koopa troopa, "One day, I want to find adventure, just like him!"

"I just want freedom," said a pink bob-omb, "And to get back at those KOOPA BROS!"

"Confound it all, if only I could find those letters," said a paratroopa, "Not a lot of people know this, but I could use a bit of excitement, maybe go on an adventure."

"I don't know if you can hear me... or listen to Boos, but... Tubba Blubba is horrible!" said a worrisome boo, "I... only wanted to have a bit of fun, but now he's eating everybody! I don't even know if I'm even a good leader to my people! If only someone can help me...?"

"I just want the Shy Guys to stop bullying me," said a rather young voice, "Please?"

"I would appreciate some respect from these kids," said an exhausted Cheep Cheep, "But it would be nice to see a new face around here."

"I... thought this was the right thing to do," said a Lakitu, "But it doesn't feel right, I want to find out what's best for me. For me and Lakilulu."

"Each of us could tell there was something special about these people's wishes," Eldstar explained.

"As we examined their wishes," said Skolar, "We knew they could be the ones."

"We granted their wishes, in hopes they could reach us one day," said Kalmar.

"Thank you, Star Spirits," said the narrator.

"Yes, this is the story about the Children of the Stars. This is a tale of friendship, love, and trust."


End of chapter!

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