Return of Goomboss

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As Mario and Goombario walked down the trail, they faced a few goombas that blocked their way. Luckily, Goombario showed his strength by head bonking them.

"Mario, Goompa forgot to mention something important," said Goombario.

"Oh, what is it?" Mario asked.

"If you ever get low on hp in battle, feel free to have me be in front by pressing the Z button. But be careful, I have my own set of hp, I can't all the hits."

"What're you talking about this 'Z button'?"

"Honestly, I don't understand that part either," Goombario shrugged.

Several minutes later the duo came across a small cliff with a bounce pad in front. But before they could jump two voices bellowed out.

"Hey! Hey! Hold it right there! You! Yeah, you, suspicious guy! Don't move!"

At that moment, two colored Goombas, one red, and one blue approached the cliff edge.

"Aha, you're Mario!" said the red one.

"I knew it. You can't go past here, Mr. Big Shot."

"Why do you say that?" retorted Mario.

"Yeah, how come?" Goombario asked.

"It's a direct order from the Goomboss," the blue replied.

"That's right!" said the red, "And the only way is through us, the Goomba Bros. Me, Red Goomba."

"And me, Blue Goomba."

"Goomba Bros?" Goombario questioned, "Are you two copying Mario and Luigi?"

"Yeah, you two sound like a rip-off," Mario added.

"Rip-off?!" they shouted angrily.

"You two just asked for it, punks!"

The Goomba Bros jumped off the cliff, ready to battle Mario and Goombario.

Mario and Goombario traded blows with the Goomba Bros, as Goombario tries to explain their stats.

"Mario," he said, "I noticed Red Goomba is a little stronger than his brother Blue Goomba. I'd say we focus our attacks on Blue first and then Red."

"Good idea," Mario replied.

"Hey, Mario! How you would like this?" Blue Goomba taunted before head bonking Mario. This made Mario pull out his hammer and whacked Blue like he was a mole.

"Yeow!" Blue cried, "That hurt! Meanie!" Blue ran back up the cliff crying, leaving the others baffled.

"Blue! My little brother!" cried Red, "You're gonna pay for that, Mario!"

"I don't think so!" shouted Goombario as he charged, head bonking Red Goomba, making him hit the cliff wall.

"O.K., I'll admit, kid. That was a good move," said Red, "Both by surprise and strength. But this is far from over!"

But before Red could land a hit on Goombario, Mario jumped in and ground-pounded him, turning him into a pancake for a brief moment. Now that time, it did hurt Red.

"I... I'll let you go for now!" Red said through his tears, both from his defeat and his injury.

With Red fleeing to Goomboss's fortress to meet up with Blue.

"Talk about babies," said Mario.

"You said it, Mario."

After taking a moment to recover, Mario and Goombario took the bounce pad up the cliff to the fortress. Once there, they saw Red and Blue banging on the front door of the fortress crying,

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