Dry Dry Ruins Rumble

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With the help of Moustafa, Mario and Co. braved the sands of Dry Dry Desert and found the Dry Dry Ruins. Kooper wanted to tell Professor Kolorado about their discovery but remembered that Moustafa trusted them to not tell anyone. Thankful for the shade, the hexad entered the ruins in hopes of saving the next Star Spirit. But what evils were guarding the Star Spirit ahead?

"Bleeag, Blooooaaaagh!" an echoey voice boomed from the ceiling, "Who dares enter the resting home of Tutankoopa, remorseless king of the desert?!"

"That would be us, Mario, Luigi, Goombario, Kooper, Bombette, and Parakarry," Mario replied.

"Begone from here! Now! Or disaster shall befall on all of you!"

Once Tutankoopa finished his threat, Mario noticed Luigi was trembling a bit.

"You alright, bro?" he asked.

"No, you know how stuff like that scares me!" Luigi retorted.

"I doubt anyone was following us," said Parakarry, "But I do get an uneasy feeling we're being watched."

Mario and Co. began exploring the ruins, passing by some Poison Pokeys that tried to... well... poison them. They saw the door on the upper art was locked, so they checked the lower part for the key. It was easy to get it, as it just sat on a brick, while they expected a trap they just shrugged it off and opened the door on top. In the top room, it was packed with sand with a pink brick stuck out. Mario jumped on it and it made the sand sink into the funnel in the floor.

"Well, that's one way to lower the floor," said Goombario.

As they went back to the lower floor, Bombette saw Luigi shaken.

"How're you holding up, Luigi?" she asked.

"I'm fine right now," he replied nervously, "Just worried that these ruins could be haunted. I mean, you saw those Pokeys trying to poison us."

Before Mario could acknowledge Luigi's comment, Tutankoopa's voice boomed out of nowhere.

"Fools! You've ignored my warning, haven't you? You'll all fall into my legions and become mummies of the sands!"

"Don't let it get to you, bro," Mario reassured Luigi who has shaken again.

Luigi felt better and they kept going. Bombette saw a crack in the wall on the higher floor, but there was a gap in front of it. She took a leap of faith and surprised herself when she made it and proceeded to blow up the crack. Inside, she found another pink brick that did the same thing as the last one.

Bombette rejoined with the others and they got the key on the middle floor. They all went to the bottom floor where they found some Buzzy Beetles that got the drop on them, quite literally. In the room, they found some platforms that connected with some pink pattern stairs. They also found a question mark lock, which Mario hit. But it was a trap, Poison Pokeys came out of the sarcophaguses and attacked the hexad.

Mario and Luigi swung their hammers and knocked back the Poison Pokey's body parts. Kooper and Parakarry fired their shells at the Poison Pokeys, killing them instantly. Bombette even blew herself up near the more towering Poison Pokeys, destroying their body parts. But she failed to notice a Poison Pokey coming behind her and threw a body part at her, only for Bombette to be pushed away by a blue shell. To Mario and Co.'s shock, Kooper's skin turned green as he got out of his shell. Quickly thinking Mario activated the "Refresh" Power, curing Kooper of his poison. Bombette finished the last Poison Pokey by body slamming into the head, she then rushed over to Kooper.

"You alright?!" she asked frantically.

"I'm fine," said Kooper, "Haven't been for that Star Power Mario used. I wouldn't have made it."

Mario and Luigi: The Star Spirit ChildrenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz