Across the Gusty Gulch

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Luigi has made a most unlikely ally, the Lady Bow of Boo's Mansion. Luigi was trying his best to keep an open mind, considering Bow was... well... a Boo. He also needed to be brave, for Mario. Luigi and Co. then set out for Gusty Gulch.

The next day, Luigi and Co., with Lady Bow in tow, left Boo's Mansion to head east for Gusty Gulch. Two Boos opened the gate as the hexad passed through. 

"Well, Luigi," said Bow, "We're on our way. Are you scared?"

"A little," he replied, "I'm not comfortable around ghosts."

"Don't worry," she said, "I'll do the talking for the village ahead."

Luigi felt better about this, and they went down the gulch. It got its name Gusty Gulch for its gusts of wind. They also found a big windmill and some Hyper Paragoombas that tried to stall them. Luigi and Bow took care of them by stomping and smacking them away. It wasn't long before, they came across a small village with tan Boos. Luigi could feel his fear crawling back to him.

"Oh! Lady Bow! What a surprise, seeing you!" one of the Boos said, "You know, Your Ladyship, you really shouldn't come around here. It's dangerous. Tubba Blubba could come here at any time!"

"I know! I came here with Luigi and his friends to teach that Tubba Blubba a lesson!" Bow replied, "Bring him on! When was the last time he came through here?"

"Why, just yesterday, Lady. It was horrible..." the Boo explained, "He...ugh... This time, he ate Herbert. Oh, it was gruesome! Poor Herbert! He was so dark and depressing! What a terrific Boo!"

"Oh, no! Not Herbert!" Bow said woefully, "Tubba Blubba's SO gonna pay for that!"

"Listen, everyone! Don't fear!" she announced, "We're on our way to defeat Tubba Blubba once and for all! That monster has eaten his last Boo-meal!"

"Oh! Lady! Your bravery is inspiring!" the Boo replied, "But you know, he's called the Invincible Tubba Blubba for a reason."

"Invincible or not. He's GOT to have a weak point," said Bombette.

The others agreed and they went further into the village. More boos were going about their business, Kooper could see Luigi's face looking grim.

"You don't have to worry about the Boos, Luigi," he assured the green plumber.

"It's not the Boos scaring me I'm worried about," Luigi corrected, "It's Mario. I just hope Tubba Blubba didn't have time to contact Bowser. I don't what I'll do if my bro's game ends early."

"Try not to worry about it much," said Kooper, placing a hand on Luigi's shoulder.

"Kooper's right," Goombario chimed in, "If there's anyone that can save Mario. It's you, Luigi."

Luigi felt better by the words of encouragement just as they came across another Boo named Stanley.

"Hello there, my lady!" he greeted, "I heard you and your friends are going to beat up Tubba Blubba, right?"

"We sure are," Bow responded.

"Yeah! Make sure he never eats another ghost! Especially not..."

But before he could finish, the ground began to shake. The Boos started to fade away, knowing who that was.

"Oh, no!" Stanley cried, "Tubba Blubba's coming! Everyone hide! Lady Bow you need to hide your friends, now!"

"We'll hide behind the buildings!" said Parakarry grabbing Goombario, Kooper, and Bombette and hiding.

"Luigi! Hold still, I'll hide you," Bow said as she held onto Luigi's head, making them disappear.

Tubba Blubba waltzed into the village just as the boos were fading away like mice. Tubba Blubba kept searching for a tasty Boo to eat.

"Everything's cool, Lady!" said Stanley, unaware that Tubba Blubba was right behind him.

As soon as Stanley turned around, he was too late to fade. Tubba Blubba grabbed him, with his lips smacking.

"Mmmmm... looks yummy!" he said, "I needed a snack!"

Tubba Blubba swallowed Stanley whole while getting the aftertaste. Luigi was speechless of what he witnessed. Behind some buildings, the other partners were frightened.

"Urp... A little tangy, but good," Tubba Blubba huffed as he went back to his castle.

"Oh! Stanley! Oh, the horror of it all..." one of the Boos muttered.

"Now I understand why you want to stop him," Luigi told Bow, "Even though I'm not a ghost, that was still terrible!"

"I know! He won't get away with this anymore!" said Bow.

The hexad continued their journey through Gusty Gulch. Battling Hyper Goombas and Hyper Clefts along the way. The more they traveled, the more Luigi began to trust Bow.

"I'm still afraid of ghosts, but you're pretty nice for one," Luigi said.

"Why do you say that?" Bow wondered.

"The last few times I encountered ghosts back on Dinosaur Island in some ghost houses. I was scared to death. One even trapped me in a small room for a while!"

"Oh... I'm sorry you had to go through all that," she replied.

Meanwhile, Parakarry was also thinking of Bow. Sorta like Kooper with Bombette, he only met the Boo recently. But he was more unsure how to tell her, mostly because she's more regal. Some could find her scary, but Parakarry thought she was radiant.

"You're going through the same thing I did, huh?" Kooper asked the Paratroopa.

"Yeah, though she's more regal, and she probably has high standards," Parakarry replied, "Any close to telling her yet?"

"Not yet. Waiting for the right time," Kooper sighed.

"What're you guys talking about?" Bombette asked as she and Bow looked at them.

"Oh... nothing," said Kooper, wanting him and Parakarry to hide their feeling for the moment.

"Ok..." Bombette said as they continued ahead.

"I think one of those guys likes you," Bow whispered to Bombette, "I know this type of thing."

"I think I could say the same to you," Bombette replied, both blushing.

As they hiked through Gusty Gulch, they kept asking themselves, "What could Tuba Blubba's secret be?" Luigi even wondered if Mario was alright.


End of chapter!

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