All the Children of the Stars Found

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Going back to Peach's Castle, Peach began to think about what she could discover now that she has the Sneaky Parasol.

"Hey... Twink," she said getting the Star Kid's attention, "You know that Sneaky Parasol I got on that quiz show? P.K. Hammer Bro. said I could use it to turn into anyone. Perhaps I can use it to get out of here?"

"Yeah... I bet you can... Why don't you try it out?" Twink suggested.

Peach went out through the secret passage and into the main hall. She saw two Koopatrols that failed to notice her coming. Peach pulls out the Sneaky Parasol and she turned into a Koopatrol, she was relieved to know the parasol worked and walked upstairs. After acting naturally with the Koopatrols on the second floor, she approached the one guarding the door.

"Hey there. If you don't mind, I would like to walk down there," Peach said in her Koopatrol voice.

"Sorry, not yet dude," the Koopatrol replied, "I'm waiting for my relief. itMy shift's been over for ages now! Listen... Could you go find that slacker and get him up here? Please! I'm exhausted!"

"I'm on it. But where could he be?"

"I bet that he's goofing off outside the castle. Here, you'll need this to find him."

The Koopatrol handed Peach the key to the entrance to her castle. Walking down to the entrance of the castle, Peach could see a sleeping Clubba just outside. Not wanting to wake him up, Peach used the Sneaky Parasol on him and she turned into a Clubba.

"Well that was quick," Twink said.

Hurrying back up the second floor, Peach disguised as a Clubba went back to the Koopatrol.

"Ah! Finally! About time!" the Koopatrol said, "You're so late! Again! Don't you know how to read a schedule?"

"Sorry, dude. Lost track of time," she said in her Clubba voice.

"That's no excuse and you know it! But I guess I'll let it go this time, but watch it, ok? Have a good shift. I'm shovin' off. Don't goof off either! You're on thin ice pal!"

After the Koopatrol left, Peach and Twink waited till no one was looking and went into the door. Walking down the hall, Peach stopped midway upon a broken window, Twink could see tears in her eyes.

"Was this where... Mario..." Twink asked slowly.

"Yeah..." Peach responded, "This was almost just as horrible as when Bowser... killed my parents."

"That's terrible!" Twink exclaimed, "I sure am glad that Mario is still alive."

Peach could agree to this and they continued walking down the hall and up the stairs. At the exit, they found themselves on top of one of the castle roofs. Before Peach could get permission from one of the Koopatrols up there, Kammy walked out the door in front of them with Jr. Troopa.

"Ok, ok. Everything's finally ready," Kammy stated before turning to Jr. Troopa, "Get ready, kid. I'm sending you on a mission on what you've learned."

"Does that mean I can finally defeat Mario and his goons?" Jr. Troopa asked excitedly.

"That's right, Jr. Troopa," Kammy replied, "Bowser has entrusted his most powerful of his elites to guard the last Star Spirit at the Crystal Palace, at the very top of Shiver Mountain. Make sure Mario and Luigi fail."

"With pleasure," Jr. Troopa grinned evilly, he grew his wings and flew back down unaware that Twink was following him.

"Even if Mario, Luigi, and their friends show up with all the Star Spirits, we'll still be all right! It pays to expect the worst."

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