A Cold Mystery

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With six Star Spirits rescued, Mario and friends ventured to Shiver City. But they had to be on their guard, Bowser might go all out on them this time. Ready to face the harsh cold, the decuplet headed to Shiver City. What times await them there?

On the other side of the pipe, the heroes found themselves in what looked like Shiver City. They could see Bumpties everywhere they went.

"Hi, there! Welcome to Shiver City!" a Bumpty welcomed, "It's rare for us to get visitors right now."

Mario thanked the Bumpty and they began to explore Shiver City. The first part they checked out was the right side of town. There, they saw some buildings and a small frozen pond with a green Bumpty in a brown fur cap.

"Excuse me. Do you mind showing us what Shiver City is like?" Mario asked, "We're new here, and aren't familiar with most of the stuff."

"I'd love to, but I'm currently investigating a report of a suspicious character in the city," the Bumpty replied, "None of you are associated with this person, are you?"

"No, we just got here," Bombette answered.

"Very well. Carry on."

Over on the far end of the right side, was a gate with a Bumpty standing in front of it.

"Do you think you can let us through? We need to get to Starborn Valley from here," Parakarry requested.

"I'm afraid I can't right now," the Bumpty said, "A stranger appeared in the city recently, and we don't know who or what they looked like. You're going to need permission from the mayor if you want to get through."

"Where is the mayor?" Luigi asked.

"He's in the farthest house on the left."

"Got it, thanks!"

With that, Mario and Co. went to the left side of the city to the mayor's house. Once there, Mario knocked on the door and a purple female Bumpty opened the front door.

"Ah, some guests!" she said, "Never seen anyone like you before. What're your names?"

"I'm Mario, this is my brother Luigi. And these are our friends, Goombario, Kooper, Bombette, Parakarry, Bow, Watt, Sushie, and Lakilester," Mario introduced.

"Would this happen to be the mayor's residence?" Bow asked.

"Yes, it is. I'm his wife, Ellie. Come in, you must be freezing."

Mario and Luigi thanked her and they settled themselves at the nearby table.

"So, what brings you all to Shiver City?" Ellie asked pouring some tea into a cup.

"We were hoping to speak to the mayor about letting us through the gate," Mario said, "It's rather important, do you think you can get him for us?."

"Certainly, help yourselves to some tea while I get him," Ellie replied as she went into her husband's office.

"This actually might be smooth sailing from here," Kooper said, sipping his cup.

"Don't know, man. It feels too easy," Lakilester replied.

"What do you mean?" Luigi wondered.

"Usually, there would be a roadblock that we might have to get done with first," Lakilester explained, "I've seen a lot of mystery movies and shows to know how these things go."

"I don't get it," said Kooper.

"Yeah, me neither," Sushie added.

"Well... It's hard to explain. Say like-"

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