Shy Guy Scramble

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Turning back to Peach and Twink. Peach was sitting on her bed, not sure what to do.

"Before I knew it, Bowser had me and all my servants trapped in the castle's walls," Peach was explaining Twink Bowser's recent scheme before now.

"Gee, that must've been scary. Being trapped in the walls," Twink said.

"Anyway, I wonder how Mario and Luigi are doing... Do you think they found a way to beat that Tubba Blubba?"

"I hope so," Peach replied, "They do emerge victorious, after all."

"If they did, I bet Bowser and his followers are steaming!"

"You might be right. And I can't just sit here and do nothing. Let's figure out what we can find out."

Peach then went to the secret exit and walked to the part that would take her to the Study. But she wasn't alone when she got there.

"It can't be!! No! No! No! Explain that again! Slowly!" Bowser commanded. Kammy just finished telling him that Tubba Blubba was defeated even with his 'invincibility'.

"Your Wretchedness, I keep trying to tell you," Kammy explained, "Tubba Blubba was... defeated by Luigi!"

"Well, that's strange because... YOU TOLD ME HE WAS INVINCIBLE! How can you defeat someone invincible?"

As Kammy acknowledged Bowser's rant, they failed to notice the stand slowly turning. Peach and Twink saw this but tried to wait till they were distracted enough to sneak out.

"Grrr... It's bad enough to know Mario's still alive. But to have Tubba Blubba ousted by the scardey cat of the Bros. He must've found out the secret that made Tubba Blubba not so invincible and then he beat him... And I thought Mario alone was bad enough, I despise Luigi and their pals too!"

"Your Filthiness," Kammy perked up, "We have to come up with another tactic, and quickly. Mario and Luigi will most likely go to Shy Guy's Toy Box next!"

"Yes... So we should prepare something there for their arrival. I won't be satisfied just having them beaten up anymore! We need to find their weak points and completely humiliate them!"

Before Bowser could instruct Kammy for anything on his next plan, he saw Peach trying to sneak out in the corner of his eye.

"For the love of Grambi, why is Princess Peach out here?! What's wrong with those guards?" he asked in disbelief.

"Well they sure didn't spot-check my room," Peach responded as she stepped forward to Bowser, "Besides, I have my ways."

"Alright, you're spunky. A little bit, unlike your sister," Bowser admitted, "You know, this is good timing, my mischievous princess."

"What're you on about?" Peach asked skeptically.

"We were just discussing the weak points of our mutual friends, Mario and Luigi."

"If possible, their little band of friends too," Kammy added.

"So... Princess Peach... What do you know about their weaknesses? Listen, you must be honest!"

"If you think I'm just going to tell you. You're sorely mistaken," said Peach, "Besides, Mario and Luigi don't have any weaknesses anyway."

"Even Mario and Luigi have weak points," Bowser explained, "How about this: I'll ask you a series of questions and you'll need to tell me which of the two they despise the most. And before you ask, there's no third option."

Peach sighed at this outcome and eventually gave in.

"Now then. Which of these two do they hate most: a Goomba or a Clubba?" he asked.

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