The Unbelievable Defeat

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Back on the third floor, the shaking stopped. Mario and Peach were finally able to stand up.

"Are you ok, Peach?" asked Mario.

"I believe so," she responded, "What about you?"

"I think so. What was that?"

Something caught both Mario and Peach outside the window. Stars were seen in the sky. Mario and Peach knew they were in the sky, possibly space.

"How high are we?" Peach wondered.

"Looks like we're really up high," said Mario.

But before they could figure out what caused them to be up so high. Bowser flew in from his clown copter and crashed through the window.

"Long time no see, Peach!" Bowser announced.

"Bowser!" said Peach, "Should've known you'd been behind this!"

"Well, duh. Of course, it was me!" he replied, "Who else did you think would lift their own castle below yours?"

"Anyway, that was just the start of my awesome plans!" Bowser taunted, "It's time to get your castle spruced up to my liking!"

"I wouldn't get too cocky if I were you!" shouted Mario, running in front of Peach.

"Mario! Typical!" Bowser uttered, "Actually, this is good timing. I've been expecting you, annoying as ever."

"Well, you're one to talk," Mario muttered.

"Bowser," Peach said getting his attention, "Every time you do this, Mario wins. When will you ever admit defeat?"

"I'll never give up!" Bowser retorted, "And it's true Mario won in the past. But this time WILL be different."

Mario jumped onto Bowser's head multiple times while Bowser clawed at him. As usual, Mario dodged most of Bowser's attacks. But the thought of it being different still had Mario confused. Both Mario and Bowser stopped fighting each other, and Bowser smirked.

"Thinking you got the upper hand, huh, Mario?" said Bowser.

"I did," Mario replied, "Until, you smirked. What did you also mean it would be different?"

"Why I'm glad you asked!" Bowser pulled out a wand with a star on one end. As soon as he pulled it out Peach recognized what it was.

"The Star Rod?!" exclaimed Peach, "How and where did you get that?!"

"Why from Star Haven!" Bowser proudly said, "This baby can grant me ANY wish I want! I can practically obliterate you at this point, Mario!" 

Bowser casted a spell on himself, creating a shield around his body. Both Mario and Peach knew this was it.

"Shocked aren't you, Mario?!" he taunted. But before Mario could attack, Bowser unleashed his fire breath. Peach could hear Mario shrieking in pain and couldn't bear it.

With that attack, Mario was knocked out unconscious in front of Peach.

"NOOOO!!!" she cried, "Mario!!! Please, get up!!!"

Bowser on the other hand was cackling with glee, that he finally defeated his arch-nemesis.

"I finally did it!!!" he exclaimed with pride, "This calls for a celebration, Kammy!"

"Indeed it does, Your Vileness!" said Kammy.

Bowser decided there was no need for Mario's body and kicked it out the window.

"NOOO!!!" Peach cried as some Koopatrols grabbed her and took her to her room.


End of chapter!

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