To Mt. Rugged

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Meanwhile, with Peach and Twink in the master bedroom, Peach was gazing out on the balcony. She sighed and Twink had an idea who she was thinking about.

"Is everything alright, Princess Peach?" he asked.

"I'm just worried about Mario and Luigi," she answered, "I don't want them getting hurt or worse! I know they do this for me every time, but I'm starting to get worried."

"They'll be alright, Princess," Twink assured, "I bet they're saving some Star Spirits right now!"

"You... You're right, Twink. I must be strong. I need to concentrate on finding a way out of here."

"But there are tons of guards beyond your door, and it's dangerous to jump from your window balcony," Twink warned Peach.

"Hang on," Peach said getting a new idea, "I remember Toadsworth telling me that there was a secret passage my parents used to get out of this room!"

"Do you know where it is?" Twink asked.

"I believe it was located around the fireplace, "Peach pondered, "As for the button... it should be right here."

Peach looked around the fireplace and felt something underneath a painting. To her and Twink's surprise, it was hiding a button. She pressed it and it put the fire out and a little door opened up.

"Yes!! Cool!! Now we can get out of this room!" said Twink.

Using the passage, Peach and Twink hurried in before Bowser could come into her room. Peach and Twink went down a dark hall, where they found another button.

"Where do you think this will take us?" Twink asked.

"I think it should take us to the study," Peach said.

Peach and Twink hoped no one was in there when Peach pushed the button. To their relief, the study was empty. Peach and twink did some exploring until Twink came upon an open book.

"Hey, look at this!" he called Peach over, "It looks like someone left a diary lying around. Should we read it?"

"I... I guess so," Peach hesitated.

"You like doing this sort of thing?" Twink asked.

"Not really, but no one is looking," she said.

Twink and Peach took the diary and read the first page quietly.

The first page read, "Dear Diary, today I went to Star Haven and stole the Star rod. Now I'm invincible, cool! I also captured those seven Star Spirits, so they won't annoy me anymore. It was a hard day's work and I'm feeling pretty bushed. Dinner was nice, but a bit bland."

"Twink, I think this is Bowser's diary," Peach said aloud.

"What?! Why are we reading it?!" Twink asked in shock.

"I don't know, but I think it'll tell us where the other Star Spirits are being held. So let's keep reading."

On the next page said, "Dear Diary, today was great! I used my castle to lift Princess Peach's castle way into the sky! then, I barged into her castle and trounced Mario! Yeah! Unbelievable, I know! So fun! The best part was that I kidnapped Peach! I couldn't be happier, diary! I hope she likes me..."

"Are you kidding me?!" Peach interjected, "I don't understand why he wants ME to be his queen?"

"I can't answer that question, Princess Peach," said Twink.

The third page read, "Well, the Koopa Bros. got beaten by Mario, Luigi, and their buddies, diary. They even set that Star Spirit I kept there. I'm so mad I can barely write! "Ohh, I'm Mario and I'm Luigi, we're so big and strong and good and helpful..." I hate them, especially Mario! But I'm not worried. There's no way they can save the Star Spirit being held in Dry Dry Ruins. To do that, they'd have to solve the mystery of the sands and find the Ruins in Dry Dry Desert. Besides, there's no way they can get to the desert anyway. I'm so calm now, I'll get to bed now."

Mario and Luigi: The Star Spirit ChildrenWhere stories live. Discover now