The Secret to the Invincible Tubba Blubba

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Luigi and Co. had crossed Gusty Gulch and avoided getting eaten by Tubba Blubba. Just as Bootler told them, Tubba Blubba's castle rested at the top of the gulch. Was Mario alright? How do the heroes find Tubba Blubba's secret? their answers awaited them inside the castle.

"So, this where Tubba Blubba lives?" Luigi asked.

"Yep," Bow replied, "Somewhere inside, is the secret he holds."

"Do you guys think Mario is alright?" Goombario asked.

"I hope so," Luigi said.

Not wasting a minute longer, they went inside the castle. They quickly saw Sentinels floating above the foyer. One of them saw Luigi and tried to home in on him, but Bow held on to him, making him invisible. But more Sentinels noticed the others and chased after them until they made it through the left door Luigi and Bow met up with them.

As they walked down the hall, they saw the walls were cracking and dirty. Bow felt it could use a makeover, but she wasn't looking where she was going and bumped into a sleeping Clubba. It woke up alerting the others of intruders. Quickly thinking, Luigi activated the Star Power "Lullaby". Mamar came in and sang a song, putting the Clubbas to sleep. With their enemies asleep, Luigi and Co. continued quietly downstairs.

Luigi spotted another wood panel and smashed it to jump down. In the basement, they found a chest with a castle key inside it. They used it to open the door to the right in the foyer. On that side of the castle, they saw more Clubbas and Sentinels in the hallways. In one of the doorways, they found another key, but there were spike traps everywhere.

"Mamma mia," Luigi muttered.

"One wrong move, and it's game over," said Kooper.

"Allow us," said Parakarry as he and Bow flew over the spikes. They got the key with ease and returned to the group.

After getting the key, the hexad found the lock, but a Clubba was guarding the door. Parakarry Air Lifts the Clubba that was sleeping and moved him aside. Now they could open the door. Making their way up the third floor, Luigi and Co. made their way down the hallway. But, halfway through, they heard stomping, knowing that was Tubba Blubba. Because Bow could only hide one person, the others needed to compromise.

"What's this? I smell something very fishy," said Tubba Blubba as he gained some new smell.

Tubba Blubba searched the hall for some intruders, but he couldn't find anyone. So he left the hall to search downstairs. Bow let go of Goombario and Bombette, making them visible. While Parakarry set Luigi and Kooper down after holding them in the air for a while.

"That was close, too close," said Bombette.

"We can't stop now. We're close to finding out his secret, I can feel it!" said Bow.

Getting the key from sleeping Clubbas, Luigi unlocked the door that lead to Tuuba Blubba's bedroom.

"I sure hope there's a secret in here," said Parakarry, "Otherwise this whole-"

Suddenly loud thumps interrupted Parakarry, causing the group to freeze in place.

"Oh, no! he's back!" Luigi exclaimed before heading towards behind the bed, "Quick, over here!"

The rest barely made it to Luigi before Tubba Blubba marched into the room.

"Hmmm, I might be in trouble," he said to himself, "That Star Spirit ran away... and now I get the feeling someone suspicious is in the castle... I sure don't want to make King Bowser mad. He's scary. He did make me invincible, but if I screw up, he might change me back to normal."

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