The Blue-Shelled Koopa Joins

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Mario and Co. chased after the Fuzzy who stole Kooper's shell. A few Fuzzies tried to stall them, but they had no problem fighting them. Soon they made it to a forest clearing, where Fuzzies jumped into the trees with Kooper's shell. By this point, Mario was starting to get frustrated with the chase.

"Stop running away from us!" he shouted, "Give back the shell!"

"Come get it if you can!" the Fuzzy taunted.

"Why I outta-"

"Meeeoorrrrk! Guess where I'm hiding!"

Fuzzies were jumping from tree to tree. Making the trio's eyes dizzy, but Mario was able to find the right one. But the Fuzzy wasn't giving up easily, as they repeated the same thing two more times. In both of those times, Mario, Luigi, and Goombario guessed correct.

"Alright! I give in! Uncle!" the Fuzzy cried, "Take the stupid shell!"

The Fuzzy dropped the shell as Mario picked it up.

"Thank you," he said, "Promise you will be good now?"

"Yeah, you're too tough for me," the Fuzzy replied, "I won't be bad anymore, I promise."

With that, the Fuzzies returned to the trees. Now with the blue shell in hand, Mario and Co. went back to Kooper. But to their surprise, they find Kooper running up to them.

"There you guys are!" he said.

"What's wrong now?" Luigi asked with concern.

"I realized I have to take a stand against these Fuzzies! if I can't get my shell, I'll lose my reputation!"

"Uh, Kooper-" said Goombario.

"Not now," Kooper said not listening, "I don't care if I no shell on! I'm gonna show those Fuzzies what's what!"

"Kooper! We already got the shell back," said Mario as he handed it over.

Kooper was ecstatic that they got it back, as he put it back on.

"Oh, yes! Yes!" he exclaimed, "This is my shell, all right! I got my shell back!"

Koope wasted no time and got his shell back on, relieved to have it back.

"You bros are the greatest!" he said, "I owe you big time!"

"Don't mention it," said Luigi, "Always happy to help."

"Good to hear you're happy," Mario said.

"Say, Mario, Luigi," said Kooper, "I have an idea... Do either of you happen to know Professor Kolorado?"

"Who?" Mario asked.

"I know who he's talking about," said Goombario, "He's a Koopa who's a professor of archeology. He's also known as an explorer."

"Right! I live right next to him," Kooper added, "I've been admiring him since I was in my egg! I've always yearned for adventures of my own! What I'm trying to ask is... can I come along with you on your adventure?"

"What do you think, guys?" Goombario asked.

"I think we should let him come," Luigi suggested, "He could help us out a lot."

"Not to mention, Merlon's fortune," Mario added, "Plus if he wants to help, I'll let him. You can come with us, Kooper."

"Oh, yes! Yes!" he cried, "I'm on my way! I swear, I, Kooper will follow you two, even to the ends of the earth if I have to!"

"Before we go on," said Goombario, "We aren't doing that wristband in the other writer's version?"

"Don't worry," said Mario, "That won't happen in this version. Now, let's try not to break 4th wall again."

Goombario breathed a sigh of relief, and they went to leave the forest. But before they could leave, the same Fuzzy ambushed them along with its friends.

"What?!" Mario exclaimed in shock, "I thought you said-"

"I changed my mind sucker!" the Fuzzy snarled, "Let's fight! Get 'em, boys!"

Just like that, the Fuzzies jumped on Mario and Co. ready for battle.

"Anything else we should know about Fuzzies, Goombario?" asked Luigi.

"They'll absorb our hp and heal themselves in return," Goombario noted, "They also obviously jump around, making them hard to hit."

The second part proved true, as Mario and Luigi couldn't get a hit on a Fuzzy. Suddenly, a blue flash passed through them and into the Fuzzy fray. To the trio's surprise, it was Kooper in his blue shell, hitting them like he was a bowling ball. The Fuzzies were shocked and scattered in fear, especially with the glare Kooper gave them.

"Now, are you going to be good and not steal everyone's shells?" Kooper said sternly.

"Yes! Yes!" the Fuzzy pleaded, "We'll be good! We'll be good!"

The Fuzzies retreated into the forest as Kooper went back to meet up with Mario, Luigi, and Goombario.

"So where are you guys heading?" Kooper asked with curiosity.

"We're heading to Koopa Bros. Fortress," Mario answered, "One of the seven Star Spirits is trapped there."

"The Star Spirits? Captured?!" Kooper said in disbelief, "I'm sure glad I decided to come with you. You'll need all the help you can get."

"And we're grateful you're helping us."

Mario explained to Kooper the situation so far. Now the blue-shelled Koopa is determined to help no matter what. The quartet left Koopa Village and continued on Pleasant Path to Koopa Bros. Fortress. They soon came to a roadblock, as the bridge that was out of service, with the switch on the other side. At that moment, it gave Kooper an idea as he turned to Luigi.

"Luigi, see if you can aim me at that switch," he said.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Luigi asked.

"Trust me. I know what I'm doing."

Trusting his new friend, Luigi aimed Kooper to the switch. To the surprise of the others, Luigi got a clear shot and Kooper was unharmed. Now the bridge was back and they could continue their journey. But Mario still thought of the pink girl Bob-omb Merlon mentioned, perhaps they'll find her at the fortress. What waited at the Koopa Bros. Fortress was anyone's guess.


End of chapter!

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