The Playtime of War

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Mario and Co. recovered all of the stolen goods from the Shy Guys in their home turf. But they still had one more treasure left, the Star Spirit. The thought of the Lil Sparky that they'll need help from is still in their minds. Could they find them in the Red Sation? If so, could they save the next Star Spirit at last?

At last they septet had made it to their destination, the Red Station. The conductor told them he'll wait for them at the Blue Station, though he did have to fix the tracks ahead. Mario and Co. first went down the left path. This time it had Ferris wheels, multiple elevator platforms, and even block towers.

After traversing through, they came into a dark room. Luigi was already scared, unlike in Forever Forest, where he could at least see, it was pitch black.

"Wee hee hee hee," a creepy voice cackled, "Someone... has come... Someone is here in the dark."

"Where are you? Show yourself!" said Mario.

The heroes saw a light slowly getting brighter. It turned out to be a lantern held by a Big Lantern Ghost.

"Oh... could it be?" he said in disbelief, "It is! It's Mario and Luigi!"

"Looks like your mine, now! I won't let you go anywhere. I'll take care of you quickly, and return to my darkness. I hate the light."

Mario and Co. tried their best to fight the Big Lantern Ghost, but he kept on evading the septet in the darkness. Bow noticed the lantern and tried to take it, but by doing so, she also made it shine brighter.

"The light! It burns!" the Big Lantern Ghost cried.

"Light is his weakness!" said Bow.

"Alright, change of plans. Go for the lantern when it's dark," Mario instructed.

Goombario and Parakarry traded blows on the lantern, making it shine brighter. But the Big Lantern Ghost was trying to blow it out. Mario shot Kooper in his shell with his hammer, and Bombette was blowing herself near the ghost. Eventually, he had enough.

"You want the light so bad? Then take it!"

The Big Lantern Ghost shined the lantern so bright, it blinded Mario and Co. The only ones that managed to avoid the light were Kooper and Parakarry.

"Where are you guys?" Goombario asked with his eyes spinning.

"Where are YOU?" Bombette said as she bumped into Bow.

"I can't see anything!" said Luigi.

"What have you done to them?!" Kooper asked the Big Lantern Ghost.

"I was simply giving them the light they desired," he replied.

But as he was distracted, Parakarry kept on hitting the lantern. Kooper proceeded to Shell Toss himself at the Big Lantern Ghost. Mario and Luigi regain their sighting and combined their ground pounds. Realizing he was outnumbered, the Big Lantern Ghost ran away, dropping the lantern.

"Nice shot," said Bow to Parakarry.

"Thanks," he said blushing, "Guess I was lucky to hide in my shell from that attack."

"Now that he's gone. What should we do with the lantern?" Luigi said picking up the lantern.

"Hey there, mister," the lantern said in a young girl's voice.

"Is there something in there?" Kooper wondered.

"I think rather SOMEONE," Bombette corrected.

"Yeah," the lantern replied, "Can you um... let me out of here?"

Mario and Luigi: The Star Spirit ChildrenWhere stories live. Discover now