When Fuzzies Attack

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First things first. Not sure if I mentioned this, but there won't be any badges or star pieces. Unlike nintendoscrpit15's version, I'll be including every last partner from the game. They'll even get their unlockable moves when they save a Star Spirit. Also with Jr. Troopa, don't expect him to appear as often in this story, I'm sorry to those who like him, but I can't stand him. I might have him appear at least two more times. With that out of the way, let's-a-go!

"Princess Peach wrote a letter specifically for me, which upset Luigi, But I told him he could come," Mario told Goombario about his latest adventure with Luigi, Yoshi, Wario, and some of their new friends. "Then we ran into Wario, who insisted we bring him along."

During the walk down Pleasant Path, Mario was telling Goombarioabout his latest adventure, before this one at the castle.

"If it weren't for Yoshi and his friend Mulan. We would've been trapped in the walls forever!" Luigi added.

"That's quite a story," said Goombario, "It's crazy knowing you had help from outside the Mushroom Kingdom."

"After the adventure, we were able to help our new friends get back home," Mario continued.

"How'd you do that?" Goombario asked.

"We gave them portable pipes so that they could visit anytime," said Luigi, "While some people like Twilight and Sweetie had other ways of coming back here. They still took the pipes so they can get here faster."

They did come across some Goombas and Koopas that were loyal to Bowser. But they had no problem fighting them. A few minutes later, the trio came across a split path. there was a sign that said the path ahead led to Koopa Bros. Fortress. The one down leads to Koopa Village, Mario remembered Merlon said they'll need help from a blue-shelled Koopa. So they went down to Koopa Village.

When they arrived in Koopa Village, they saw it was in a state of chaos, Koopas were running amok, some didn't even have their shells on. Curious, Mario asked a nearby Koopa what's happening.

"Can it be? Are you two Mario and Luigi?" the Koopa asked in shock.

"We are!" said Luigi, "Can you tell us what's happening here?"

"First of all; welcome to Koopa Village!" he greeted, "I wish we could properly welcome you, but we're in quite a pickle here." The Koopa then pointed at another that doesn't have its shell, "See that Koopa Troopa without his shell?"

"Yeah, what happened to his shell?" Goombario asked.

"The village is in an uproar because of the Fuzzies."

"Fuzzies?" Mario and Luigi said in unison.

"Luigi and I have seen some back on Dinosaur Island," said Mario, "But I didn't think there would be some here in the Mushroom Kingdom."

"I'm glad you two know what Fuzzies are, but I'll tell you in case your friend doesn't. They're small, jumpy black balls of... well... fuzz. They're mean and naughty."

But before the Koopa Troopa could continue, a Fuzzy dropped in out of nowhere and stole his shell. The Fuzzy ran off with the Koopa trailing behind.

"Oh, no! Stupid Fuzzy!" he cried, "Come back here with my shell!"

"Meeoork! Never!" the Fuzzy snarled.

But the Fuzzy didn't get far, as it ran into Mario, who whacked it with his hammer. The Fuzzy retreated, dropping the shell in the process. The Koopa quickly ran to his shell with relief.

"Oh, thank you!" he said, "I owe you one, Mario. I can't go anywhere without my shell on. Talk about embarrassing!"

"Is that what those Fuzzies are doing?" Luigi asked.

"Yes!" he exclaimed, "They've been stealing everyone's shells. If you can help us out, we'll find some way to help you."

Mario, Luigi, and Goombario agreed to help the Koopas get their shells back. The three split up so that way, they could get the job done faster. Mario immediately saw a Koopa trying to get his shell from a high block. It was no problem for Mario, as he jumped to break the block getting the shell back in the process. Luigi took care of a few Fuzzies with a hammer of his own. that was when he saw a female Koopa climbing up a tree but kept falling. Luigi looked up and saw a Fuzzy from earlier, threw her shell up the tree. Using his hammer, he got the shell to come back to solid ground.

Goombario was head bonking some Fuzzies when he saw another one with a shell that a Koopa was chasing after. It took a while, but Mario was able to help and they got the shell back. They soon saw another female Koopa who was also trying to get her shell back from a higher block. Luigi triple jumps his way up there and gets the shell back to the Koopa. But before they could celebrate, a ruckus was happening in the house with the green roof and palm tree sticking out. Wanting to help, Mario and Co. knocked on the door.

"Who's there?" said a voice from the other side, "Can you come back later? I'm kinda busy right now."

"If it's a Fuzzy problem, we can help you," said Goombario.

The door opened and the trio saw a yellowish-orange Koopa Troopa, without his shell. he also was wearing a red bandana and blue shoes. His eyes widened when he saw Mario.

"What?! Wait... could it be?" he gasped, "Aren't you Mario?!"

"Yep! That's-a-me!" replied Mario.

"I'm so psyched to meet you! My name's Kooper! Who're the others?"

"This is my younger twin brother, Luigi," said Mario as Luigi and Kooper shook hands, "And that there, is Goombario."

"Nice to meet you," Goombario replied.

"Us meeting here has got to be fate or something," said Kooper, "I need a huge favor... I hope you'll help me out."

"Does it have to do with Fuzzies?" Luigi asked.

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"Wild guess."

"Anyway, this Fuzzy took my shell which, next to my life, is the most important thing I have. If you can guess by now, my shell makes me feel underdressed and embarrassed."

"I see," said Mario, "Any luck so far?"

"Not yet," Kooper sighed, "The trouble is, Fuzzies are too fast for me to catch alone. So if you three don't mind, can you help me get my shell back?"

"Sure thing," said Goombario, "Your situations pretty bad, we'll help you out. Right, Mario and Luigi?"

The bros nodded in agreement and went inside Kooper's house to get his shell back. The Fuzzy wasn't giving up easily, as he jumped around the house, making the bros and Goombario run into each other a few times. Soon, the Fuzzy got tired of jumping inside and bolted out the backdoor with Mario and Co. following behind.


End of chapter!

For those of you who are confused by the other characters' names from outside the Mario series, make sure you check out my adaptation on Super Mario 64 DS; inspired by mariobroultimate.

Mario and Luigi: The Star Spirit ChildrenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin