Bowser's Scheme

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Back at Bowser's castle, which was now under Peach's castle. Kammy flew back to inform Bowser about Goomboss's defeat.

"Mighty King Bowser..." Kammy said entering a room on the second floor. "I've been looking for you."

Bowser turned around, making sure Kammy didn't see his diary and took a few steps towards Kammy.

"What is it, Kammy?" he grumbled annoyed, "Ever heard of privacy?"

"Apologies, but I come with a report, Your Evilness. Mario and a young Goomba, have defeated Goomboss. They're heading to Toad Town right now as we speak."

"What? Unbelievable!" Bowser interjected, "What was Goomboss thinking? I used the Star Rod to make him King again because he begged me... and now Mario whips him so easily? Can't say I'm surprised-"

Bowser stopped mid-sentence when Kammy mentioned that a Goomba helped him.

"Wait, did you say a Goomba helped Mario defeat Goomboss?!"

"Afraid so, Your Cunningness. According to some of our troops in Goomba Valley, his name was Goombario"

"Goombario huh?" said Bowser, "Kammy. With this Goomba's help, Mario WON'T stop us, right?"

"Please, Your Vileness! Calm yourself," Kammy assured, "Goomboss was a weakling. I had a feeling he'd fall."

"BUT, you have the Star Rod, you're like a god!" motivated Kammy.

"Why, you could obliterate Mario with both of your eyes closed!"

Bowser grinned at this as he pulled out the Star Rod with pride.

"Yes, yes. Very good! Gwa ha ha ha!!" he said proudly, "By the way, Kammy Koopa, the Star Spirits we captured have no way of giving Mario their power, do they?"

"Please don't worry yourself. Each is held separately and is guarded by your most elite subjects. Even with that Goomba's help, Mario won't rescue all seven," said Kammy.

"Which one is the closest to Mario?"

"I believe that would be the one at Koopa Bros Fortress."

"Got it. If some crazy chance Mario gets there, can the Koopa Bros defeat him?"

"Heh, King Bowser you mustn't worry," said an unseen voice.

But before bowser or Kammy could answer four Koopa Troopas dressed as ninjas appeared out of nowhere.


"Here come the Koopa Bros!" the red one said.

"Uh-huh!" "Oh yeah!" "We're the coolest of cool!" said the black, yellow, and green Koopas.

"Pssst! Kammy," Bowser whispered in her ear, "You sure these guys can get the job done? Goomboss was gigantic and even he couldn't beat Mario."

"Ey! Get real, King Bowser!" said Red. "Sure, Goomboss was huge, but he lacked the brains! We're nothing like him! Let us demonstrate with our power."

With a snap of Red Ninjakoopa's fingers, the others got ready on cue.

"Excellent!" exclaimed Kammy, "That' the spirit! Sell it, Koopa Bros.! Show our king what you got!"

"Yes, Ma'am!" Red turned to his brothers, "Black! Yellow! Green! Get ready!"

Within seconds, the Koopa Bros. showed off their special attack, which involved them standing on top of each other, and spinning around.

"That... This is... Ohhhhh!" said Bowser in awe.

"Well, what'd you think, King Bowser?" Red Ninjakoopa"It's pure brilliance!" Bowser congratulated, "Mario will never stand a chance with that attack!"

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